


Kif tipprevjeni l-falliment tal-kejbil tal-qalba tar-ram u tagħżel il-kejbil it-tajjeb għad-dar tiegħek?

Il-kejbil tal-qalba tar-ram għandu rwol importanti f'oqsma bħat-trażmissjoni tal-enerġija u l-komunikazzjoni. Madankollu, fl-użu attwali, il-kejbils jista 'jkollhom ħsarat li jaffettwaw it-tħaddim normali tagħhom.

Common types of copper core cable faults

Short Ċircuit

A short circuit is a low-impedance connection that occurs between two or more conductors of a cable, resulting in an unrestricted flow of current.

A short circuit can cause the cable to heat, damage equipment, or even start a fire.

When a cable is found to be short-circuited, the power supply should be cut off immediately, and the cause of the short-circuit checked. And the point of failure repaired or replaced. After repair, the cable needs to be tested for insulation to ensure its proper operation.

One of the common high voltage cable faults

Broken Wire

Wire breakage is the interruption of the conductors of a cable, resulting in the inability to transmit current normally.

Wire breakage may be caused by aging, brix, and excessive force on the cable.

When a cable is found to be disconnected, the power supply should be cut off, the cause of the disconnection should be checked, and the point of failure should be repaired or replaced. After repair, the cable needs to be tested for insulation and voltage resistance to ensure its normal operation.

Copper Core Cable Insulation Aging

Insulation aging refers to the degradation of cable insulation materials in the course of long-time use due to factors such as heat, oxidation, arc action, and other factors.

Insulation aging may lead to a reduction in the voltage resistance of the cable, short circuits, leakage, and other problems.

Cables with aging insulation should be inspected and maintained regularly. If insulation aging is found to be serious, the cable should be replaced in time. In daily use, attention should be paid to reducing the working temperature of the cable to extend its service life.

Faulty Joints

Joint faults are failures at ġonot tal-kejbil that may result in poor contact, short circuit, broken circuit, and other problems.

Joint failures are usually caused by poor-quality joints, aging of joint materials, and improper maintenance of joints.

When a joint failure is found, the power supply should be cut off, and the cause of the joint should be checked. And the point of failure should be repaired or replaced. After repair, an insulation test and voltage resistance test should be carried out on the joint to ensure its normal operation. Fl-istess waqt, the joints should be inspected and maintained regularly to ensure the quality of the joints.

Suggestions for Preventing Ċkapaċi Failures

Choose Suitable Ċopper Ċore Ċables

According to the actual application scenario, choose the appropriate cable type, specification, and quality.

Overload, short circuits, and other faults are largely caused by improper cable selection.

Copper cables with different jacket colors

Enhance the Quality of Ċkapaċi Installation

During cable installation, attention should be paid to the quality of joints. The treatment of insulation, the fixing of cables, and other issues to ensure the quality of cable installation.

Copper Core Cable Regular Testing and Maintenance

Regular testing and maintenance of cables should be carried out, and faults should be found and dealt with in time. Fl-istess waqt, cable joints should be inspected and maintained regularly to ensure the quality of joints.

Reasonable Use and Protection of Ċables

In the process of daily use, attention should be paid to reducing the working temperature of the cable to avoid the cable from mechanical damage, korrużjoni, and other effects.

Choosing the Right Ċopper Ċore Ċable for Home Use

CCC Ċertification Mark

There must be a CCC certification mark on the wire, wire, and cable products is a national mandatory safety certification of a product.

All manufacturers must obtain the China Electrical Product Certification Commission certification “CCC” certification, and access to the “CCC” certification mark. In the certificate of conformity or on the product “CCC” certification mark in the certificate of conformity or on the product.

Electricity is related to the safety of electricity, the quality of the wire will affect our life and property safety, so be sure to choose the CCC certification mark of the wire products.

Wire Appearance

The appearance of good wire products should be smooth and rounded, as well as uniform color.

So when you buy a wire to be dismantled, check a good look to see if the appearance of the color is very uniform.

If there is a discoloration, the situation proves that the quality of the wire does not pass.

Product Ċertification

Certificate of Conformity of wire products will be “CCC” certification mark, trademark, model specifications, vultaġġ stmat, tul, inspection, date of manufacture, implementation standards, factory name, address and telephone, and other markings are printed clearly, and the product is also consistent.

Some of these will be the production of regular manufacturers of products, we must look carefully when you buy.

High-voltage copper-core cables are commonly used in factory equipment or buried underground.

Copper core cables play an important role in power transmission and communication and other fields.

Understanding the common types of cable faults and methods of treatment, as well as some suggestions for preventing faults. It will help us better manage and maintain copper core cables, to ensure the normal operation of the cable and the use of safety.

We hope that this article can provide you with useful reference in the process of troubleshooting and handling copper core cables, and can help to purchase high-quality copper core cables.

The above is ZMS cable for you to introduce the relevant knowledge about the specifications of copper core cable.

For copper core cable specifications for a variety of models, we can choose according to their own needs.

And for the purchase also need to keep a good quality of wire, after all, electricity safety is a very important thing, we must pay attention to.

ZMS Cable F

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