

kejbil taħt il-baħar

Taħt l-ilma Fiber Optic Cable Tqegħid Teknoloġija hija sħiħa ta 'ħsara Proċess ta' Tiswija huwa ugwalment Xokkanti

Kejbil tal-fibra ottika taħt l-ilma darba tiswija bil-ħsara, kemm tifhem diffiċli? Cutting the fiber optic cable if the water will

4 months ago

Kif tipprevjeni l-falliment tal-kejbil tal-qalba tar-ram u tagħżel il-kejbil it-tajjeb għad-dar tiegħek?

Il-kejbil tal-qalba tar-ram għandu rwol importanti f'oqsma bħat-trażmissjoni tal-enerġija u l-komunikazzjoni. Madankollu, fl-użu attwali, il…

6 months ago

Artiklu li tieħdok permezz tal-għażliet għall-kejbils taħt il-baħar armati! Favorit!

Kejbils Armati taħt l-ilma taħt l-ilma jiddominaw it-trażmissjoni internazzjonali ta 'sejħiet bil-vuċi u traffiku tad-dejta. This is mainly because such submarine

7 months ago

About customized cables, just read this article to understand!

Due to the accelerated development of the information age, a need for numerous signal transmissions, but also people on the

8 months ago

Take you to learn more:About fiber optic cables and ordinary cables

Fiber Optic Cables vs Insulated Ordinary Cables: What's the Difference? When it comes to cables, the disparity may not always

8 months ago

Fiber Optic Submarine Cables: The Backbone of Global Communication

Submarine cables are the backbone of global communication, enabling the transmission of vast amounts of data across continents and oceans.

9 months ago

Why are submarine cables placed in the deep sea?

Submarine cables are mainly divided into two types: communication transmission and power transmission. The world's first submarine cable was laid

10 months ago

How are submarine cables wired?

Submarine cables engineering is recognized worldwide as a difficult and complex large-scale technical project. Both the cable design, manufacturing, u…

10 months ago

Nexans to invest €1 billion in increased High Voltage DC Cables Technology and Capacity

NKT plans to build a new plant, including a third extrusion tower in Karlskrona, Sweden, as well as a new

11 months ago

What is the classification of cables and how to name and cable purchase?

ZMS cable editorial comprehensively organized the cable classification and naming representation, but also made a detailed introduction to the cable

11 months ago