Wat is een coaxkabel en hoe deze te identificeren?

The diagram shows the most common types of coaxial cables.

Coaxkabel staat bekend als een breedbandtransmissielijn met laag verlies en hoge isolatie. Coaxiale kabel bestaat uit twee concentrische cilindrische geleiders gescheiden door een diëlektrische afstandhouder. The capacitance and inductance distributed along the coaxial cable create a distributed impedance, or characteristic impedance, throughout the structure. The resistive losses distributed along the coaxialLees verder

What are Coaxial Cables?


The modern communications and networking cable market is oversaturated with quotes, so it can be difficult to choose the cable that is best for your specific application. In this article, we compare the most popular types of network cables, coaxial and twisted pairs, to help you make an informed choice. We’ve focused on the differencesLees verder

The Voltage Rating Coaxial Ground Cable

The voltage level of the coaxial grounding cable should be determined according to the induced potential of the cable line. According to the past design experience, the voltage level of the coaxial grounding cable is generally 10kV; the cross-section of the coaxial grounding cable should be strictly selected according to the grounding current of theLees verder