


Is Optical Hybrid Cable an optical fiber or a cable?

Optical hybrid cable is a hybrid form of cable that integrates fiber optics and conductive copper wires, which can solve

9 months ago

What is Drag Chain Cable? What is the Difference between it and other Ordinary Cables?

Drag chain cable is a kind of can follow the drag chain to move back and forth and does not

9 months ago

Sida Looga Hortago Fashilka Cable-ka Xudunta ah ee Copper oo Dooro Cable sax ah Gurigaaga?

Copper core cable play an important role in fields such as power transmission and communication. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, in actual use, ah…

9 months ago

Sida loo doorto fiilada qalabka si degdeg ah oo sax ah? Bookmark maqaalkan!

Xadhkaha qalabku waa waxa aynu inta badan u yeedhno fiilada xakamaynta, suitable for signal transmission and control lines in other electrical equipment

10 months ago

Maqaal kaa qaadaaya fursadaha fiilooyinka badda hoostooda ee gaashaaman! La jecelyahay!

Underwater Submarine Armored Cables dominate the international transmission of voice calls and data traffic. This is mainly because such submarine

10 months ago

U.S. media speculate on the cause of the fire in Hawaii: bare conductor, tilted poles

The U.S. island of Maui, Hawaii, ignited a fire on August 8th. As of the evening of the 28th local

10 months ago

About customized cables, just read this article to understand!

Due to the accelerated development of the information age, a need for numerous signal transmissions, but also people on the

11 months ago

Top 5 Commonly used electrical cable types in today’s world! Bookmark it!

You're no stranger to cables. Even if you don't work in the electrical industry, you've seen a wide variety of

11 months ago

Take you to learn more:About fiber optic cables and ordinary cables

Fiber Optic Cables vs Insulated Ordinary Cables: What's the Difference? When it comes to cables, the disparity may not always

11 months ago

Overhead bundled cables: A Great Invention for Transforming Power Distribution‍

In the world of power distribution, technological advancements have paved the way for more efficient and reliable solutions. Overhead Bundled

11 months ago