VERI CABLE - World Class Quality


The company’s products cover four categories Kejbils tal-enerġija, electrical equipment wires and cables, communication cables, and bare wires. Kejbils tal-enerġija sa 500kV, AAC, ACSR, AAAC, Cable ABC, Konduttur, wajers elettriċi, kejbil tal-istrument, kejbil tat-telekomunikazzjoni, and Stay wires. kejbil taħt il-baħar, kejbils iżolati overhead, kondutturi overhead, aerospazjali, kejbil tal-minjieri, kejbil tal-baħar, kejbil tal-fibra ottika, u Kejbils tal-kontroll. Il-prodotti jintużaw ħafna fil-konservazzjoni tal-ilma, enerġija elettrika, ilbies domestiku, trasport bil-ferrovija, kostruzzjoni, aerospazjali, enerġija ġdida, komunikazzjonijiet, bastimenti, tagħmir intelliġenti, metallurġija, industrija petrokimika, makkinarju tal-port, Marine engineering, and industrial and mining, u oqsma oħra, u esportati lejn l-Awstralja, il-Ġermanja, l-Istati Uniti, il-Filippini, Mongolja, Singapor, Jemen, UAE u l-bqija aktar minn 50 pajjiżi u reġjuni.


ZMS CABLE was founded on March 18, 1990, VERI cable is one of the leading enterprises under the brand of ZMS cable, the factory covers an area of 45,000 metri kwadri, b'żona ta 'bini ta' produzzjoni ta 'aktar minn 20,000 metri kwadri, u kapaċità ta 'produzzjoni annwali ta' 30 billion U.S. dollars. The company introduces advanced equipment from home and abroad and has purchased more than 3,000 sets of advanced production and testing equipment from home and abroad for innovation and technological transformation. Hemm kważi 500 impjegati, inklużi 180 middle and senior technicians.

1990 EST.

34 years of experience in cable production and perfect sales service. Hundred technical team customized service.

183 Countries

We produce high quality cables that have been sold to 180+ countries and regions around the world.


The cable factory covers an area of 45,000 square meters and is fully equipped.

500 Teams

The production team reaches more than five hundred people, available for one-on-one service.

You are welcome to visit the company!

With experience in selling cables to many countries worldwide, VERI Cable understands the process of country logistics, customer reception, inspection, and shipment, and can provide one-on-one customer service throughout the entire process. Trust us, we are a team of professionals.

Missjoni ta' intrapriża: li tkun il-pedament tal-wajer nazzjonali u industrija tal-manifattura tal-kejbil. Valuri ewlenin: kwalità, integrità, innovazzjoni, orjentat lejn in-nies, protezzjoni ambjentali, marka. Viżjoni korporattiva: biex issir intrapriża domestika tal-manifattura tal-wajer u l-kejbil tal-ewwel klassi, biex jipprovdu lill-utenti b'servizz one-stop.

VERI cable produces all kinds of wires and cables in strict accordance with international standards (BS, JIS, VDE, TUV, IEC) and customer’s requirements. ISO9001 Quality Management System, ISO14001 Environmental Management System, ISO45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System, ISO50001 Energy Management System, eċċ., and has been honored with the title of National Green Factory.

The qualified rate of finished product inspection at one time is ≥98%, u se tiżdied għal 99% fi tliet snin. Kull dipartiment relatat mal-kwalità għandu jiġi dekompost skont l-għan ġenerali tal-fabbrika u mibdul fl-għanijiet tax-xogħol speċifiċi tad-dipartiment. Ġestjoni xjentifika, sodisfazzjon tal-klijent, continuous improvement, zero product defect. Continuously improve customer satisfaction.

Our company’s services cover the process from the production of goods to their inspection, delivery, and transportation. Regarding the packing of goods, we also have very skilled experience and will pack according to the specific requirements of customers. VERI cable produces all cables with product specifications can accept customized services, welcome to ask us for quotations.

Cable Informations

    Jekk jogħġbok tħossok liberu li tagħti l-inkjesta tiegħek fil-formola hawn taħt.





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