Galvanized SWA Control Cable has the characteristics of moisture resistance, corrosion resistance, and damage resistance, and its excellent ability enables him to work normally in harsh conditions.
It can be laid in tunnels or cable trenches.
Il- steel wire armor layer of galvanized steel wire armored cable has high magnetic permeability and a good magnetic shielding effect.
It can be used to resist low-frequency interference and improve the anti-interference performance of the cable.
So this armored cable is suitable for industrial process automation applications, including instrument Cable, or signal transmission, measurement, control, and regulation.

Inkjesta Issa

Armored Control Cable Types

Galvanized Steel Braided Armored Control Cable

This product is manufactured according to the GB9330-88 standard. The low smoke low halogen flame retardant or low smoke zero halogen flame retardant control cable is manufactured according to the enterprise standard. The flame retardant property meets the requirements of GB / T17651 and GB / T17650. Flame-retardant control cables manufactured by corporate standards, flame retardant properties in line with GB / T18380.3 requirements.

This product is suitable for metallurgy, power, petrochemical, and other industrial and mining enterprises in the exchange rated voltage 450 / 750V and below electrical instrumentation, power distribution equipment, signal transmission, control, and measurement systems.



Applying bound


Copper conductor PVC insulated and sheathed control cable

For laying indoors, in trenches, and in ducts for the fixed installation


Copper conductor PVC insulated & sheathed copper wire braiding screened control cable

For laying indoors, in trenches, and in ducts for the fixed installation


Copper conductor PVC insulated and sheathed control cable with steel tape shied

For laying indoors, in trenches, and in ducts for the fixed installation


Copper conductor PVC insulated and sheathed control cable with steel tape armored

For laying indoors, in trenches, in ducts, and in-ground, able to withstand heavier mechanical force, and for fixed installation


Copper conductor PVC insulated flexible control cable

For lying indoors, movable and flexible


Copper conductor PVC insulated & sheathed copper wire braiding screened flexible control cable

Fixed laying indoors with the capability of moving and screening


Copper conductor PVC insulated and sheathed flame retardant control cable

For laying indoors, in trenches, in ducts, and for fixed installation. The cable should be flame retardant


Copper conductor PVC insulated and sheathed flame retardant control cable with steel tape shield

For laying indoors, in trenches, in ducts, and for fixed installation. The cable should be flame retardants


Copper conductor PVC insulated and sheathed flame retardant control cable with steel tape armored

For laying indoors, in trenches, in ducts, and for fixed installation, the cable should be flame retardant and able to bear heavier external mechanical force and for fixed installation


Copper conductor PVC insulated and sheathed flame retardant flexible control cable

For laying indoors, the cable should be flame-retardant flexible, and movable


The max, long-term permitted operating temperature:70°C is for PVC insulated cable;80°C is for XLPE insulated cables. The laying temperature of cables should be not less than 0°C.
The allowable bending radius for cables: it should be not less than 6 times of outer diameter for non, armored or screened flexible cables, and it should be not less than 12 times of outer diameter for armored or copper tape screened cables.

Standard 600v Control Armored MC Power Cable

The product is suitable for connection in control, signal, protection circuit, and measuring system with rated power-frequency voltage 450/750V or 0.6/1KV.


1. The maximum permissible continuous operating temperature is 70℃
2. The lowest installation temperature of the cable is 0℃.
3. Permissible Min. Bending radius: not less than 6 times the completed cable diameter for unarmored cable; not less than 12 times the completed cable diameter for armored or copper tape screened cable; not less than 6 times the completed cable diameter for screened flexible cable.


reżistenza taż-żejt、water resistanceabrasion resistanceacid and alkali resistancevarious corrosive massaging resistancenon-combustion

The technical data of the standard teck90 600v control cable armored power cable MC cable is below for reference, any customized is available.

Service of VERI Cable

Esportazzjoni Esperjenza

Bħala manifattur tal-kejbil professjonali, il-prodotti tal-kejbil tagħna ġew esportati lejn ħafna pajjiżi fil-passat 30 snin, inkluż l-Istati Uniti, Kanada, Spanja, Renju Unit, il-Ġermanja, Franza, ir-Russja, il-Greċja, Għarabja Sawdija, eċċ. F'dawn il-pajjiżi, il-prodotti tal-kejbil tagħna huma popolari ħafna mal-klijenti. U kull sena, minħabba l-kwalità tajba u s-servizz tagħna, we would receive much good feedback from our customers.

Servizz tal-Cable Personalizzat

Il-firxa tagħna ta 'servizzi tad-dwana tinkludi d-disinn, daqs, u kulur tal-wiċċ. Ħafna kuluri popolari huma wkoll disponibbli għalik biex tagħżel. Aħna wkoll jispeċjalizzaw fil over-kisi, pereżempju, nistgħu nagħmlu Polyethylene tad-dwana (PE) u Polyurethane (PUR) skond il-ħtiġijiet tiegħek. Nistgħu nipprovdu soluzzjonijiet ibbażati fuq l-ideat tiegħek. Jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattjana biex tagħtina l-idea tiegħek.

Standards stretti ta 'Spezzjoni ta' Kwalità

Veri Cable joffri varjetà wiesgħa ta 'kejbils tal-enerġija bbażati fuq tendenzi u preferenzi personali. And we provide all kinds of power cables, aktar minn 100 serje. Then, to ensure the quality of the cables, ninsistu li nittestjaw il-prodotti tagħna darba fil-waqt.

    Jekk jogħġbok tħossok liberu li tagħti l-inkjesta tiegħek fil-formola hawn taħt.




