Create A Stable, Sustainable Value For Customers; Being Customer's Reliable Partner.
VERI Cables is part of the ZMS Cables brand, the earliest private enterprise in Henan(Iċ-Ċina) cable business.
- Range of Supply: Industrial applications such as marine, automated production, oil and gas, mining, wind, and solar power generation, eċċ., as well as serving a wide variety of cables for wholesale and a certain number of retail sales, and commercial and domestic electricity consumption.
- Main Products: industrial cable, kejbil taħt il-baħar, LV MV HV cable, kejbil tal-fibra ottika, eċċ.
One of the 3 biggest cable factories in the past, now it is a leading company in the Chinese cable industry.
VERI Cables has specialized in power cables and cable accessories for more than thirty years. High product qualification rate, flexible structure, and wide production range are the strong points of VERI cable export. We have modern production plants, processing equipment, and perfect quality control standards. We have a large customer base and a good market reputation in the United States, il-Lvant Nofsani, Awstralja, Spanja, u pajjiżi oħra. We serve dealers and distributors in more than 120 countries and regions worldwide. We welcome you to get the best quote for cable products at VERI Cables.
You can rest assured that VERI Cables has enough experience in many power engineering projects, and the technical team of our cable factory will provide the most complete quotation service and project solution for every customer. The products we provide will take into account the project application environment, cost budget, eċċ., to maximize and optimize our cooperation every time. We look forward to your quotation!
The Quality Assurance System is not only the driving force behind VERI’s commitment to excellence and leadership in the cable industry, it is also the cornerstone of our commitment to creating value for our customers.
Scientific & Technological Innovation Academic Research
VERI R&D Technology Center is:
- One of the only six state-level technology centers of the Wire and Cable industry
- Independent professional scientific research institutions for new products and raw materials R&D
- Advanced ability in new product design and development
Advanced Testing Facilities
- To promote product R&D and design
- To improve product performance
- To Guarantee product quality
- Aktar minn 800 sets of main processing equipment.
- Aktar minn 500 sets of all kinds of advanced testing equipment.
- No less than RMB2 billion of annual production capacity
ERP Monitoring System
- Order Entry、Information Treatment
- Production process、Inspection process、Packing and Delivery
VERI Cables is a professional cable supplier and distributor, our customer base is spread across UAE, Għarabja Sawdija, Mongolja, the UK, South Africa, and other countries and regions. Whether we are building wind power stations in the mountains or laying underwater cables in the deep sea, VERI can supply qualified and high quality cables and provide professional technical guidance for installation. We are looking forward to your enthusiastic inquiry.
VERI CABLE meets the stringent standards of the European Union's CE marking, ensuring that our products comply with health, safety and environmental regulations. Our CE seal demonstrates that each VERI cable complies with EU regulations, providing our customers with a high quality product that meets European safety directives.
ISO 14001
Committed to environmental responsibility, VERI has achieved ISO 14001 certification, underscoring our dedication to sustainable and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes. This certification reflects our ongoing commitment to reduce our ecological footprint, ensuring that our operations comply with international environmental management standards.
ISO IEC 17020
VERI Cable distinguishes itself with ISO/IEC 17020 certification, setting the gold standard for inspection bodies. This certification reflects our rigorous adherence to the criteria for the operation of various types of inspection bodies. Our commitment to this standard ensures competence, impartiality and consistent operation, cementing VERI' reputation as a trusted name in the cable manufacturing industry.
ISO IEC 17025
The VERI factory laboratory technical center is a recognized center of excellence for cable testing and inspection, ensuring that testing is performed strictly in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025 CNAS accredited laboratory certification. Our inspection center is a national level laboratory, offering assurance of our integrity and impartiality in compliance testing and inspection. At VERI, precision and professionalism guide our path to excellence in cable manufacturing.
Prioritizing the well-being of our workforce and stakeholders, VERI CABLE holds the prestigious ISO 45001 certification. This accreditation confirms our unwavering commitment to occupational health and safety management systems. At VERI, we go beyond compliance; we cultivate a culture of proactive risk prevention, ensuring a safer and more productive environment for all.
VERI electrical wire company can offer the proper solution for uncountable applications. Our cable products are widely used in the ranges of the national grid, trasport tal-enerġija urban/ferroviji, substazzjonijiet, impjanti tal-enerġija solari, Kejbils taħt il-baħar, Kejbils tal-vultaġġ, different model fiber optic cables, eċċ.
Bi preżenza qawwija fis-suq internazzjonali, we export to many countries every year. L-insegwiment bla waqfien tal-eċċellenza, innovazzjoni, and competitiveness is our belief.
It-tim tekniku tal-kejbil tagħna għandu ħafna inġiniera b'esperjenza, li jista 'jakkomoda kwalunkwe ħtieġa ta' proġett tad-dwana. In order to ensure the quality of products, our cable technical team has been producing each product in accordance with strict standards.
Barra minn hekk, dejjem adottajna spezzjoni sistematika tal-kwalità, jekk huwiex l-għażla tal-katina tal-provvista tal-prodott jew l-ispezzjonijiet varji qabel il-kejbil jinbiegħ, aħna se nikkontrollawha b'mod strett.
VERI Electrical wire company offers a wide variety of power cables, aktar minn 100 serje bbażata fuq tendenzi u preferenzi personali. To ensure the quality of the cables, ninsistu li nittestjaw il-prodotti tagħna darba fil-waqt. We welcome customized designs and sizes. We will try our best to satisfy your unique requirements.
VERI Cable has multiple ways to protect your cables, very sturdy and professional shipping packaging comprehensive insurance.
Qabel it-tbaħħir, il-kejbils tagħna huma ppakkjati f'rukkelli tal-injam, corrugated boxes, and coils.
Waqt it-trasport, biex tipproteġi t-truf tal-kejbil mill-umdità, aħna nissiġillawhom b'tejp li jwaħħal waħdu BOPP u mhux igroskopiku. Dażgur, aħna nibagħtulek l-istampi waqt il-produzzjoni u l-ippakkjar.
U aħna se nwasslu kull ordni strettament skont il-ħin tal-kunsinna biex niżguraw il-progress bla xkiel tal-proġett tal-klijent.
Professional After-Sale Team
Our after-Sale Team will provide professional services including cable instructions, maintenance measures, eċċ. We will purchase insurance for each cable product. Sadanittant, we would do regular maintenance to cables we made for the customers, to guarantee high quality all the time. Over the years, we have held various professional seminars.
Esportazzjoni Esperjenza
Bħala manifattur tal-kejbil professjonali, tagħna prodotti tal-kejbil have been exported to many countries in the past 30 snin, inkluż l-Istati Uniti, Kanada, Spanja, the UK, il-Ġermanja, Franza, ir-Russja, il-Greċja, Għarabja Sawdija, eċċ. F'dawn il-pajjiżi, il-prodotti tal-kejbil tagħna huma popolari ħafna mal-klijenti. U kull sena, minħabba l-kwalità tajba u s-servizz tagħna, we would receive good feedback from our customers.
Competitive Price
Our prices are the among appropriate prices in the industry. We only carry quality of cable products. As we always promise to supply high-quality cable products all the time.
So our prices are usually at or below the lowest you will find, because we don’t want to lose your business over a few dollars.