VERI Cable was established on March 18, 1990, specializing in the manufacturer of Kejbils tal-enerġija, Kejbils taħt il-baħar, optical fiber cables, cable accessories, and cable products. Such as armored cables, Kejbils tal-kontroll, Kejbils tal-vultaġġ, and some spare parts.
VERI Cable Products
Enterprise Basic Situation of VERI Cable
VERI Cables can provide suitable solutions for countless customers. Cable products are widely used in the national grid, cities, railway power transportation, substazzjonijiet, solar power stations, and other fields. Bi preżenza qawwija fis-suq internazzjonali, we export to many countries every year. Products are exported to Australia, il-Ġermanja, l-Istati Uniti, il-Filippini, Mongolja, Singapor, Jemen, the United Arab Emirates, u l-bqija.
The relentless pursuit of excellence, innovazzjoni, and competitiveness is our belief.
It-tim tekniku tal-kejbil tagħna għandu ħafna inġiniera b'esperjenza. They can meet the needs of any custom project. To ensure the quality of the products, our cable technical team has been producing every product according to strict standards. Barra minn hekk, whether it is the selection of the product supply chain or the inspection of cables before sales, dejjem adottajna spezzjoni sistematika tal-kwalità. We will strictly control it. VERI Cables offers over 100 series of various power cables based on market trends and personal preferences. To ensure the quality of the cables, we insist on testing our products. We welcome custom designs and sizes. We will do our best to meet your unique requirements.
Our Excellent Service of VERI Cable
Esportazzjoni Esperjenza
Bħala manifattur tal-kejbil professjonali, il-prodotti tal-kejbil tagħna ġew esportati lejn ħafna pajjiżi fil-passat 30 snin, inkluż l-Istati Uniti, Kanada, Spanja, Renju Unit, il-Ġermanja, Franza, ir-Russja, il-Greċja, Għarabja Sawdija, eċċ. F'dawn il-pajjiżi, il-prodotti tal-kejbil tagħna huma popolari ħafna mal-klijenti. U kull sena, minħabba l-kwalità tajba u s-servizz tagħna, we would receive much good feedback from our customers.
Servizz tal-Cable Personalizzat
Il-firxa tagħna ta 'servizzi tad-dwana tinkludi d-disinn, daqs, u kulur tal-wiċċ. Ħafna kuluri popolari huma wkoll disponibbli għalik biex tagħżel. Aħna wkoll jispeċjalizzaw fil over-kisi, pereżempju, nistgħu nagħmlu Polyethylene tad-dwana (PE) u Polyurethane (PUR) skond il-ħtiġijiet tiegħek. Nistgħu nipprovdu soluzzjonijiet ibbażati fuq l-ideat tiegħek. Jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattjana biex tagħtina l-idea tiegħek.
Standards stretti ta 'Spezzjoni ta' Kwalità
VERI Cable offers a wide variety of power cables based on trends and personal preferences. And we provide all kinds of power cables, aktar minn 100 serje. Then, to ensure the quality of the cables, ninsistu li nittestjaw il-prodotti tagħna darba fil-waqt.