Kejbil koassjali
VERI Coaxial Cables are very durable and easy to install and are primarily used to connect satellite dish installations to homes and businesses. It is a type of copper cable specially built with a metal shield and other components engineered to block signal interference. It is primarily used by cable TV companies to connect their satellite antenna facilities to customers’ homes and businesses. VERI Cable can produce or customize cables that meet international standards such as MIL-C-17F, MIL-C-17G, eċċ. There are numerous types of coaxial cables, some types include RG 58 CU coaxial cable, RG6 coaxial cable, eċċ. We can provide other voltage ratings and sizes upon request.
As a professional coaxial cable supplier, we will make full use of advanced technology to provide customers with electrical cables and coaxial cables. For more information, please send your detailed requirements and Ikkuntatjana direttament.
Types of VERI Coaxial Cable
RG 58 CU Coaxial Cable
RG 58 CU is a high-quality coaxial cable, suitable for many applications, including low-power video, video signal, and broadband signals. Different types of coaxial cables vary by gauge and impedance. The thickness of the cable is measured by the radio waveguide measurement or RG number. The higher the RG number, the thinner the center conductor core. The RG 58 coaxial cables are used for low-loss and low-interference data and signal transmission.
- Materjal tal-Konduttur: Ram fil-landa
- Tip ta' Konduttur: Fine wired stranded
- Materjal ta 'insulazzjoni: Polietilene
- Kulur: Black or as your requirements
- għant:PVC
50Ω Coaxial Cable Basic construction | ||||
RG58 | RG8 | RG213 | ||
KONDUTTUR | MATERIAL | BC/TC, Solid/Strand | BC/CCA | BC Stranded |
Nom.Dia. | 18AWG | 2.74mm | 7*0.752mm | |
DIELECTRIC | MATERIAL | Solid PE | Foam PE | Solid PE |
Nom.Dia. | 2.95mm | 7.24mm | 7.24mm | |
SHIELD | MATERIAL | Al Foil+TC Braiding | Al Foil+TC Braiding | BC/TC Braiding |
COVERAGE | ≥80% | ≥80% | ≥80% | |
Nom.Dia. | 5.0±0.2mm | 10.16±0.2mm | 10.3±0.2mm |
5D-FB | 8D-FB | LMR200/300/400 | ||
Nom.Dia. | 1.8mm | 2.8mm | 1.12mm/1.78mm/2.74mm | |
Nom.Dia. | 5.0mm | 7.8mm | 2.95mm/4.83mm/7.24mm | |
SHIELD | MATERIAL | Al Foil+TC Braiding | Al Foil+TC Braiding | Al Foil+TC Braiding |
COVERAGE | 40%-95% | 40%-95% | 40%-95% | |
Nom.Dia. | 7.5±0.2mm | 10.4±0.2mm | 4.95/7.62/10.29±0.2mm |
In the home and small offices, coaxial cables are used for cable television, home video equipment, amateur radio equipment and measuring devices.
For indoor installation as well as in industrial areas in conduits and cable ducts, for transmission of high frequency signals and power.
RG58 is a flexible and advantageous coaxial cable for many applications. This series complies with standard MIL C 17.
RG6 Coaxial Cable
RG6 coaxial cable is a common type of coaxial cable used in a wide variety of residential and commercial applications.
VERI RG6 coaxial cables provide excellent electrical performance to meet all requirements for broadband and computer networking applications. RG6 cables typically are fitted with various types of connectors at each end. Minbarra dan, the other types of coaxial cables are also used in automobiles, aircraft, militari, and medical equipment, as well as connecting satellite dishes, radio, and TV antennas to their respective receivers.
- Materjal tal-Konduttur: Ram fil-landa
- Tip ta' Konduttur: Fine wired stranded
- Materjal ta 'insulazzjoni: Polietilene
- Kulur: Black or as you requested
- għant: PVC
Product Technical Specification | |||||||
Name of cable | RG6 Radio Frequency Cable with Foam Polyethylene Dielectric | ||||||
Type of cable | RG6 | ||||||
1. Size of product | |||||||
No. | Oġġett | Struttura | Material | Kulur | |||
1 | Inner conductor | 0.94±0.02mm | Bare copper | Yellow | |||
2 | Insulazzjoni | 2.80±0.10mm | Foam PE | White | |||
3 | Folia | 3.00±0.15mm | Aluminum foil | Silver gray | |||
4 | Wire braid | 96*0.12mm | Ram fil-landa | Silver gray | |||
5 | Ġakketta | 4.95±0.10mm | PVC | Iswed | |||
6 | Making | RG6 | |||||
2. Electrical physical and properties of product | |||||||
Oġġett | Unit | Value | |||||
Capacitance | pF/m | 81±5 | |||||
Impedenza | Ω | 50±2 | |||||
Velocity ratio | % | 81 | |||||
Bent radius min. | mm | 25 | |||||
Max voltage | VMS | 1500 | |||||
Max Frequency | MHz | 3000 | |||||
Temperature scope | ℃ | -20 ~ +80 | |||||
Attenuation constant at 20℃(Max.) | 200MHz | dB/100m | 17.0 | ||||
400MHz | dB/100m | 22.5 | |||||
900MHz | dB/100m | 33.5 | |||||
1800MHz | dB/100m | 50.7 | |||||
2000MHz | dB/100m | 52.4 | |||||
2400MHz | dB/100m | 57.4 | |||||
3000MHz | dB/100m | 66.9 | |||||
6000MHz | dB/100m | 122.1 |
The RG-6 is available in three different types, designed for a variety of applications. The first is designed for indoor or outdoor house wiring, for underground conduit, or direct burial. The second may incorporate some waterproofing, adding steel slings along its length to withstand the tension involved when a utility pole is dropped in the air. The third is with a special Teflon outer sheath designed for ventilation ducts to meet fire codes.
The Types of Coaxial Cable Include
RG6 cables are commonly used in satellite TV and cable modems and also have a copper center conductor. RG6 cables are used with high bandwidth and high-frequency hardware, allowing internet and satellite signals to operate at higher frequencies than traditional analog video.
Most of the time, what cable an individual might need depends on the frequency. Above 50 MHz, individuals should use RG6 cable. Hardwire coaxial cables rely on a combination of round copper tubing and a metal, bħal aluminum or copper, for the shield. These cables are typically used to connect the transmitter to the antenna. Triaxial cables have a grounded third shield to protect the signals traveling along the cable.
Rigid coaxial cables consist of twin copper tubes that act as unbendable conduits. These lines are designed for indoor use between high-power radio frequency transmitters. Radiating cables mimic many of the components of hardwired cables, but with tuning slots in the shield that match the RF wavelengths at which the cable operates. Commonly used in elevators, military equipment, and underground tunnels.
Dwar is-Servizz ta' Wara l-Bejgħ tal-Cable VERI
L-ewwel, Impenn tal-Kwalità tal-Prodott:
- Hemm rekords ta 'kwalità u data ta' ttestjar għall-manifattura u l-ittestjar ta 'kulħadd prodotti tal-kejbil.
- Għall-ispezzjoni tal-prestazzjoni tal-prodott, aħna sinċerament nistiednu lill-utenti biex jispezzjonaw il-proċess kollu u l-prestazzjoni tal-prodott personalment. Wara li l-prodott jiġi kkonfermat li huwa kwalifikat, se jiġi ppakkjat u mibgħut.
It-tieni, l-impenn tal-prezz tal-prodott:
- Sabiex tiġi żgurata l-affidabilità għolja tal-prodott, l-għażla tal-materjal tas-sistema hija magħmula minn prodotti domestiċi jew ta 'kwalità għolja.
- Taħt l-istess kundizzjonijiet kompetittivi, kumpanija tagħna Sinċerament ser jagħtik bi prezz raġonevoli mingħajr ma tnaqqas il-prestazzjoni teknika tal-prodott jew tibdel il-komponenti tal-prodott.
- Impenn tal-ħin tal-kunsinna:
It-tielet, Ħin tal-kunsinna tal-prodott:
Sa fejn hu possibbli skont ir-rekwiżiti tal-utent, jekk ikun hemm rekwiżiti speċjali li jridu jitlestew minn qabel, il-kumpanija tagħna tista 'torganizza b'mod speċjali l-produzzjoni u l-installazzjoni, u tistinka biex tissodisfa l-ħtiġijiet tal-utenti.
Ir-raba’, impenn ta 'servizz ta' wara l-bejgħ:
- Prinċipju tas-servizz: malajr, deċiżiv, preċiża, maħsub u bir-reqqa.
- Għanijiet tas-servizz: kwalità tas-servizz biex tirbaħ is-sodisfazzjon tal-klijent.
- Effiċjenza tas-servizz: Jekk it-tagħmir jonqos fil-perjodu ta 'garanzija jew barra l-perjodu ta' garanzija, wara li l-fornitur jiġi notifikat, il-persunal tal-manutenzjoni jista 'jilħaq is-sit u jibda l-manutenzjoni fi ħdan 24 sigħat.
- Prinċipju tas-servizz: Il-perjodu ta 'garanzija tal-prodotti tal-kejbil huwa ta' tnax-il xahar. Matul il-perjodu tal-garanzija, il-fornitur se jsewwi u jissostitwixxi l-partijiet bil-ħsara minħabba raġunijiet ta 'kwalità b'xejn. Jekk il-partijiet huma mħassra barra l-perjodu ta 'garanzija, l-aċċessorji pprovduti se jitolbu biss l-ispiża l-ispiża tal-ħsara fit-tagħmir ikkawżata minn fatturi umani tax-xerrej, u l-aċċessorji msewwija jew ipprovduti mill-fornitur huma kkalkulati bl-ispiża.