PVC Insulated Control Cable
Cable VERI specializes in control cables and cable accessories. Control cables such as instrument cables, armored control cables, flexible control cables, eċċ. We manufacture high-quality PVC insulated and PVC sheathed control cables suitable for industrial and mining enterprises, energy and transportation departments, and control and protection circuits with a rated AC voltage below 450v/750v. Veri Cable is a worldwide supplier of cable products. Our control cables are manufactured with GB, IEC, BS, ASTM, ISO900, ISO14000, ISO14001, ISO18000, BS, CE, IEC, NFC, ASTM, u ċertifikazzjonijiet DIN.
Control Shielded Cable Structure and Specifications
PVC Insulation Pure Copper Multi Core LIYCY YSLY-JZ Control Cable
Copper core PVC insulated electric cable is a fine and ideal cable with the conductor of plain annealed copper wires, solid or stranded. These cables are used for general purposes, bħal building wire for power, lighting, and control wire to electrical appliances, suitable for use in conduit and for fixed, protected installation. The cable can be of flame retardants, fire resistance, and other properties.
Use as home appliance wiring cable, building wire
Use as electrical and electronic equipment internal connecting wire
Use as lighting wire
House wiring cable
Product Standard:
The production standards for anti-flaming and fire-resistant cables are GB/T19666-2005, GB/T5023-2008, JB/T8734-2012
Konduttur | High quality oxygen-free Copper |
Insulazzjoni | PVC |
Qalba | 1 2 3 4 5 |
Cross Section(mm2) | 1 1.5 2.5 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 |
Ippakkjar | 100m/Roll |
Cable Model and Name
Mudell | Isem | The main scope of use |
KVV | Copper-core PVC Insulated PVC Sheathed Control Cable | Laying in indoor, cable trench, pipe, and other fixed places. |
KVVP | Copper core PVC insulated PVC sheathed woven shielded control cable | Laying in indoor, cable trench, pipeline, and other fixed occasions requiring shielding. |
KVVP2 | Copper core PVC insulated PVC sheathed copper strip shielded control cable | |
KVVP3 | Copper core PVC insulated polyethylene sheathed aluminum plastic composite strip shielded control cable | |
KVV22 | Copper core PVC insulated PVC sheathed steel strip armored control cable | Laying in indoor, cable trench, pipeline, direct buried, and other fixed occasions under large external forces. |
KVV32 | Copper core PVC insulated PVC sheathed fine steel wire armored control cable | Laying in indoor, cable trench, pipeline, shaft, and other fixed occasions under large tension. |
KVVP2-22 | Copper core PVC insulated polyethylene sheathed copper strip shielded steel strip armored control cable | Laying indoors, cable trenches, pipelines, direct buried, and others bear large mechanical external forces, requiring shielding fixed occasions. |
KVVR | Copper core PVC edge sheathed soft control cable | Laying indoors and other mobile occasions. |
KVVRP | Copper core PVC edge PVC sheathed woven shielded soft control cable | Laying in indoor, cable trench, pipeline, and other required shielding of the mobile occasions |
Note: The model and name of the flame retardant and refractory series shall be GB / T 19666. Add ZA-, ZB-, ZC-, ZD-, and N- -to the conventional series cable model. |
Control Cable Specification and Range
Tip | Rated voltage V | Conductor nominal cross-section mm² | |||||||
0.5 | 0.75 | 1 | 1.5 | 2.5 | 4 | 6 | 10 | ||
Numru ta' qlub | |||||||||
KVV | 400/750 300/500 | — | 2-16 | 2-14 | 2-10 | ||||
KVVP | |||||||||
KVVP2 | — | 4-16 | 4-14 | 4-10 | |||||
KVVP3 | |||||||||
KVV22 | — | 7-16 | 4-16 | 4-14 | 4-10 | ||||
KVV32 | — | 7-16 | 4-16 | 4-14 | 4-10 | ||||
KVVP2-22 | — | 7-16 | 4-16 | 4-14 | 4-10 | ||||
KVVR | 2-61 | — | — | ||||||
KVVRP | 2-16 | 2-48 | — | — | |||||
Note: The recommended core number series are: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 19, 24, 27, 30, 37, 44, 48, 52, u 61 qlub |
Dwar is-Servizz ta' Wara l-Bejgħ tal-Cable VERI
L-ewwel, Impenn tal-Kwalità tal-Prodott:
- Hemm rekords ta 'kwalità u data ta' ttestjar għall-manifattura u l-ittestjar ta 'kulħadd prodotti tal-kejbil.
- Għall-ispezzjoni tal-prestazzjoni tal-prodott, aħna sinċerament nistiednu lill-utenti biex jispezzjonaw il-proċess kollu u l-prestazzjoni tal-prodott personalment. Wara li l-prodott jiġi kkonfermat li huwa kwalifikat, se jiġi ppakkjat u mibgħut.
It-tieni, l-impenn tal-prezz tal-prodott:
- Sabiex tiġi żgurata l-affidabilità għolja tal-prodott, l-għażla tal-materjal tas-sistema hija magħmula minn prodotti domestiċi jew ta 'kwalità għolja.
- Taħt l-istess kundizzjonijiet kompetittivi, kumpanija tagħna Sinċerament ser jagħtik bi prezz raġonevoli mingħajr ma tnaqqas il-prestazzjoni teknika tal-prodott jew tibdel il-komponenti tal-prodott.
- Impenn tal-ħin tal-kunsinna:
It-tielet, Ħin tal-kunsinna tal-prodott:
Sa fejn hu possibbli skont ir-rekwiżiti tal-utent, jekk ikun hemm rekwiżiti speċjali li jridu jitlestew minn qabel, il-kumpanija tagħna tista 'torganizza b'mod speċjali l-produzzjoni u l-installazzjoni, u tistinka biex tissodisfa l-ħtiġijiet tal-utenti.
Ir-raba’, impenn ta 'servizz ta' wara l-bejgħ:
- Prinċipju tas-servizz: malajr, deċiżiv, preċiża, maħsub u bir-reqqa.
- Għanijiet tas-servizz: kwalità tas-servizz biex tirbaħ is-sodisfazzjon tal-klijent.
- Effiċjenza tas-servizz: Jekk it-tagħmir jonqos fil-perjodu ta 'garanzija jew barra l-perjodu ta' garanzija, wara li l-fornitur jiġi notifikat, il-persunal tal-manutenzjoni jista 'jilħaq is-sit u jibda l-manutenzjoni fi ħdan 24 sigħat.
- Prinċipju tas-servizz: Il-perjodu ta 'garanzija tal-prodotti tal-kejbil huwa ta' tnax-il xahar. Matul il-perjodu tal-garanzija, il-fornitur se jsewwi u jissostitwixxi l-partijiet bil-ħsara minħabba raġunijiet ta 'kwalità b'xejn. Jekk il-partijiet huma mħassra barra l-perjodu ta 'garanzija, l-aċċessorji pprovduti se jitolbu biss l-ispiża l-ispiża tal-ħsara fit-tagħmir ikkawżata minn fatturi umani tax-xerrej, u l-aċċessorji msewwija jew ipprovduti mill-fornitur huma kkalkulati bl-ispiża.