Il-kondutturi ewlenin tal-HTLS huma kif ġej: TACSR, GTASCR, ZTACIR, ACSS, ACCC, u ACCR. Allura dan it-tip ta 'konduttur jikkonsisti f'qalba ta' l-azzar b'saħħa mekkanika għolja. And the outer layers of different aluminum wires wrapped around the core. ACSS conductor core wire is steel wire, and the outer layer is wrapped by aluminum wire. Aluminum Conductor Composite Core—ACCC is a concentric-stranded conductor. ACCC conductors then use a carbon fiber core. They are stronger and lighter than traditional steel cores. Allura, please contact us for more information on HTLS cables.
Classification of HTLS Cables
VERI ACSS cables are known as Aluminum Conductor Steel Supported (ACSS). ACSS is constructed similarly to ACSR, but with a higher percentage of aluminum conductors for better conductivity and less bending. ACSS is suitable for use in long-distance transmission and distribution lines. ACSS is made from soft aluminum, bħall-aluminju ittemprat. ACSS bare overhead conductors are used to upgrade existing transmission lines. Then, the new construction projects increase electrical load current and enhance system reliability.
VERI carbon fiber composite core conductor (ACCC) is a new type of conductor for overhead transmission lines, piż ħafif, stretch resistance, good thermal stability, small relaxation, strong current throughput capacity per unit area and corrosion resistance are its outstanding features. Especially suitable for the company site coastal, mining areas with high corrosion intensity, high dirt intensity, conductor easy to dance the use of the environment. Can meet the construction of resource-saving, environmentally friendly power grid requirements, in the county-level power grid in the transmission line has a good application prospect.
ACCR Cable
ACCR is made by using alumina ceramic fiber (alumina Al2O3) as the reinforcing core and winding aluminum-zirconium alloy wire (Al-Zr) on the outside. Both the composite core and the outer aluminum alloy wire serve to increase mechanical strength and electrical conductivity. Due to the use of proprietary technology, the implantation of ceramic fibers in the pure aluminum conductor to enhance its mechanical strength, so that its electrical characteristics equivalent to a pure aluminum conductor, but the quality of only about half of the steel-core aluminum stranded wire, and its transmission capacity can be up to three times that of steel-core aluminum stranded wire.
Enterprise Basic Situation of VERI Cable
VERI Cable can offer the proper solution for uncountable applications. And our cable products are widely used for the ranges of national grid, trasport tal-enerġija urban/ferroviji, substazzjonijiet, impjanti tal-enerġija solari, eċċ. Bi preżenza qawwija fis-suq internazzjonali, aħna l-esportazzjoni kejbil taħt il-baħar, coaxial kejbil, kejbil speċjali, fibra ottika, u kejbil overhead għal ħafna pajjiżi kull sena.
L-insegwiment bla waqfien tal-eċċellenza, innovazzjoni, and competitiveness is our belief. U t-tim tekniku tal-kejbil tagħna għandu ħafna inġiniera b'esperjenza, li jista 'jakkomoda kwalunkwe ħtieġa ta' proġett tad-dwana. To ensure the quality of products. So our cable technical team has been producing each product by strict standards. Barra minn hekk, we have always adopted quality inspection. Also, it is the selection of the product supply chain or the various inspections before the cable is sold. Imma aħna se nikkontrollawha b'mod strett.
Cable VERI offers a wide variety of power cables, aktar minn 100 serje skond ix-xejriet u l-preferenzi personali. Biex tiżgura l-kwalità tal-kejbils, ninsistu li nittestjaw il-prodotti tagħna darba fil-waqt. We welcome customized designs and sizes. Minħabba li aħna nippruvaw nagħmlu l-almu tagħna biex nissodisfaw ir-rekwiżiti uniċi tiegħek.
Excellent Service of VERI Cable
VERI Cable has multiple ways to protect your cables, b'ippakkjar tat-tbaħħir b'saħħtu u professjonali u assigurazzjoni komprensiva. Qabel it-tbaħħir, tagħna kejbils huma ppakkjati f'rukkelli tal-injam u kojls tal-kaxxa korrugati. Waqt it-trasport, biex tipproteġi t-truf tal-kejbil mill-umdità, aħna nissiġillawhom b'tejp li jwaħħal waħdu BOPP u mhux igroskopiku.
Jekk ikun hemm problemi ta 'kwalità bħal ippakkjar bil-ħsara u ħsara fil-wiċċ tal-prodott fuq il-post meta l-oġġetti jiġu riċevuti, jekk il-merkanzija tkun ikkonfermata li hija vera, l-oġġetti ma jaqblux mal-ordni, u l-problemi ta 'kwalità misjuba mill-klijent waqt l-installazzjoni, proċess ta 'tqegħid u użu huma kkonfermati li huma l-problemi ta' kwalità tal-prodott innifsu, Jekk il-kunsinna ma tkunx skond ir-rekwiżiti tal-kuntratt, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja lill-kumpanija tagħna direttament.