High Temperature Low Sag Conductor HTLS


High Temperature Low Sag Conductors (HTLS) are designed for high temperature environments and the need for efficient power transmission. VERI Cables produces these conductors to operate at higher temperatures than conventional conductors while maintaining a low sag, which significantly improves the performance and efficiency of transmission lines.

Il-kondutturi ewlenin tal-HTLS huma kif ġej: TACSR, GTASCR, ZTACIR, ACSS, ACCC and ACCR, which are mainly composed of a mechanically strong steel core, an electrically conductive layer, and an anti-corrosion coating. To inquire about HTLS conductors, please contact us.

Types Introduction of High Temperature Low Sag Conductor

Inkjesta Issa

Qalba: galvanized steel wire to support the mechanical strength of the conductor.
Outer layer: aluminum wire, high temperature resistant aluminum alloy.
Operating temperature: up to 250°C.
Sagging performance: low sag at high temperature, suitable for high load operation.
Applicable Scenario: Upgrade of old lines that need to improve current-carrying capacity.

ACSS-TW (Trapezoidal Wire)
ACSS/HS285 (High Strength Conductor)

accc cable
Inkjesta Issa

Qalba: carbon fiber composite material.
Outer layer: heat-resistant aluminum alloy.
Operating temperature: up to 210°C.
Sagging performance: 20%-30% lower than traditional conductors.
Applicable Scenarios: Long-distance power transmission, transformation projects with high demand for load enhancement.

Common Model:

Gap-Type TACS (GZTACSR) konduttur

Inkjesta Issa

(GZTACSR) Gap-Type Steel-Core Aluminum Stranded Wire

Qalba: high strength steel wire with gap filler between it and the aluminum layer.
Outer layer: heat resistant aluminum alloy.
Operating temperature: up to 210°C.
Sagging performance: Excellent mechanical properties during high temperature operation.
Applicable Scenario: Long distance transmission lines across rivers and mountains.

Common Model:

ZTACIR (Thermal Resistant Aluminum Conductor Invar Reinforced) konduttur

Inkjesta Issa

ZTACIR (Thermal Resistant Aluminum Conductor Invar Reinforced)

Qalba: Invar steel (with 36% nickel for low coefficient of thermal expansion).
Outer layer: Heat-resistant aluminum alloy.
Operating temperature: up to 210°C.
Droop performance: High temperature resistance, suitable for extreme environments.
Applicable scenarios: High voltage transmission lines in extremely cold or hot environments.

Common Model:

TACSR(Thermal Resistant Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced)

Inkjesta Issa

TACSR(Thermal Resistant Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced)

Qalba: qalba tal-azzar.
Outer layer: heat-resistant aluminum alloy, capable of withstanding temperatures above 150°C.
Operating temperature: up to 200°C.
Applicable Scenario: Suitable for upgrading transmission line applications.

Common Models:

ACFR(Aluminum Conductor Fiber Reinforced)

Inkjesta Issa

ACFR Conductor (Aluminum Conductor Fiber Reinforced)

Qalba: carbon fiber or glass fiber reinforced material.
Outer layer: heat-resistant aluminum alloy.
Working temperature: up to 230°C.
Applicable scenarios: Very long distance power transmission or power transmission lines that require high strength and high temperature resistance.

Common Models:

Environmental & Technical Advantages of HTLS Conductors

City Power Environmental Protection

Environmental Advantages of HTLS Conductors

Reduced Carbon Emissions
HTLS conductors effectively reduce energy loss during transmission through high conductivity and low-sag design, especially suitable for long-distance transmission lines.
The increased transmission efficiency indirectly reduces the load demand of power plants and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

Reduced Resource Waste
The high temperature and corrosion resistance of HTLS conductors significantly extends the service life of the line, reducing the waste of resources and secondary pollution of the environment caused by frequent replacement.

Reduced Land Use
HTLS conductor allows higher current to be carried in the line, avoiding the need to expand new transmission lines, thus reducing the occupation of land resources.

Use of Non-Hazardous Materials
Some HTLS conductors such as ACCC (Aluminum Composite Core Conductor) are made of carbon fiber composite materials, which are not only lightweight but also do not cause harmful pollution to the environment.

Reducing the Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation
Due to the more uniform electromagnetic field distribution of the conductor design, HTLS conductors produce lower electromagnetic radiation than conventional conductors during high load transmission, which has less impact on the surrounding environment and biology.

HTLS conductor production

Technical Advantages of HTLS Conductors

Outstanding resistance to high temperatures
HTLS conductors can operate properly at temperatures up to 150°C to 250°C, whereas conventional conductors typically have a temperature limit of 90°C to 120°C. This high-temperature resistance allows HTLS conductors to remain stable under high loads or extreme climatic conditions.

Low Sag Design
The high temperature and low-sag characteristics are the core technical advantage of HTLS conductors, which are particularly suitable for transmission lines across complex terrain such as rivers, canyons and mountains.

High Transmission Capacity
HTLS conductors have 1.5 biex 2 times the conductivity of conventional conductors, which can significantly increase the transmission capacity of the line without changing the existing transmission tower structure.

Lower Life Cycle Costs
While HTLS conductors may have a slightly higher initial cost, their high efficiency, long life, and low maintenance requirements significantly reduce whole life transmission costs.

Enterprise Basic Situation of VERI Cable

VERI Cable can offer the proper solution for uncountable applications. And our cable products are widely used for the ranges of national grid, trasport tal-enerġija urban/ferroviji, substazzjonijiet, impjanti tal-enerġija solari, eċċ. Bi preżenza qawwija fis-suq internazzjonali, aħna l-esportazzjoni kejbil taħt il-baħar, coaxial kejbil, kejbil speċjali, fibra ottika, u kejbil overhead għal ħafna pajjiżi kull sena.

L-insegwiment bla waqfien tal-eċċellenza, innovazzjoni, and competitiveness is our belief. U t-tim tekniku tal-kejbil tagħna għandu ħafna inġiniera b'esperjenza, li jista 'jakkomoda kwalunkwe ħtieġa ta' proġett tad-dwana. To ensure the quality of products. So our cable technical team has been producing each product by strict standards. Barra minn hekk, we have always adopted quality inspection. Ukoll, it is the selection of the product supply chain or the various inspections before the cable is sold. Imma aħna se nikkontrollawha b'mod strett.

Cable VERI offers a wide variety of power cables, aktar minn 100 serje skond ix-xejriet u l-preferenzi personali. Biex tiżgura l-kwalità tal-kejbils, ninsistu li nittestjaw il-prodotti tagħna darba fil-waqt. We welcome customized designs and sizes. Minħabba li aħna nippruvaw nagħmlu l-almu tagħna biex nissodisfaw ir-rekwiżiti uniċi tiegħek.

Excellent Service of VERI Cable

ZMS Cable Ordni Ġarr

VERI Cable għandu diversi modi biex jipproteġi l-kejbils tiegħek, b'ippakkjar tat-tbaħħir b'saħħtu u professjonali u assigurazzjoni komprensiva. Qabel it-tbaħħir, tagħna kejbils huma ppakkjati f'rukkelli tal-injam u kojls tal-kaxxa korrugati. Waqt it-trasport, biex tipproteġi t-truf tal-kejbil mill-umdità, aħna nissiġillawhom b'tejp li jwaħħal waħdu BOPP u mhux igroskopiku.

Ordnijiet tal-kejbil ZMS ippakkjati fi btieti customizable

Jekk ikun hemm problemi ta 'kwalità bħal ippakkjar bil-ħsara u ħsara fil-wiċċ tal-prodott fuq il-post meta l-oġġetti jiġu riċevuti, jekk il-merkanzija tkun ikkonfermata li hija vera, l-oġġetti ma jaqblux mal-ordni, u l-problemi ta 'kwalità misjuba mill-klijent waqt l-installazzjoni, proċess ta 'tqegħid u użu huma kkonfermati li huma l-problemi ta' kwalità tal-prodott innifsu, Jekk il-kunsinna ma tkunx skond ir-rekwiżiti tal-kuntratt, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja lill-kumpanija tagħna direttament.

    Jekk jogħġbok tħossok liberu li tagħti l-inkjesta tiegħek fil-formola hawn taħt.





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