VERI CABLE ACSS is a concentric-lay stranded composite conductor made up of a core of galvanized steel strands and one or more layers of annealed or soft 1350-0 Aluminum. The steel core wire is Class A galvanized zinc-coated steel which, due to the annealed or soft temper Aluminum, carries most or all of the mechanical load of the conductor. Upon request the steel core is available in High strength.Aluminum-cored steel-supported ACSS cables for overhead transmission lines.

Inkjesta Issa

Types of VERI ACSS Cable

ACSS—Azzar tal-Konduttur tal-Aluminju Sostnut

ACSS huwa konduttur kompost konċentriku stranded magħmul minn qalba ta 'strand tal-azzar galvanizzat u saff wieħed jew aktar ta' ittemprat jew artab 1350-0 aluminju.

The steel core is Class A galvanized steel that can withstand most or all of the mechanical load of the conductor due to the use of annealed or soft-tempered aluminum. High-strength steel core available on request.



Aluminum conductor steel supported (ACSS) cable is used for overhead transmission lines. ACSS is designed to operate continuously at higher temperatures up to 250℃ without loss of strength, which allows for a significant increase in current carrying capacity over ACSR. ACSS is self-damping, sags less than ACSR under emergency electrical loadings, and its final sags are not affected by the long-term creep of aluminum. These advantages make ACSS useful in new line applications where structures can be optimized due to the reduced conductor sag, where high emergency loads may be required; or in lines where Aeolian vibration is a problem. Existing lines can be re-conductored using ACSS to allow for increased current using the existing clearances and tensions.

ACSS/TW—Azzar tal-Konduttur tal-Aluminju Sostnut

Appoġġ ta 'l-Azzar (ACSS/TW) is a concentrically stranded conductor with one or more layers of trapezoidal hard-drawn and annealed 1350-0 wajer tal-aluminju fuq qalba ċentrali tal-azzar.

Iddisinjat għal tħaddim kontinwu f'temperaturi għoljin, ACSS/TW għandu inqas sag taħt tagħbijiet elettriċi ta 'emerġenza minn ACSR/TW. Għandu proprjetajiet eċċellenti ta 'awto-damping, u sag aħħari tiegħu mhux affettwat minn creep fit-tul fl-aluminju.



ACSS/TW can be designed to have the same aluminum cross-sectional area as standard ACSS, li jirriżulta f'dijametri iżgħar tal-kondutturi iżda jnaqqas il-parametri tat-tagħbija tar-riħ. Jew dijametri ugwali għal dak tal-ACSS standard, li jirriżulta f'żona ta 'aluminju ferm aktar għolja, lower conductor resistance, and higher current rating.

ACSS Cable Standard Parameters

The number of cores in ACSS cables determines the change in cable structure
ASTM B-609Aluminum 1350 round wire, annealed and intermediate tempered, for electrical applications.
ASTM B-498Galvanized (Galvanized) Steel Core Wire
ASTM B-856Concentrically laid stranded aluminum conductors with coated steel supports (ACSS)
Insulation materialNone insulation
ApplianceOverhead transmission
Materjal tal-KondutturAluminum conductor steel supported
Livell tal-vultaġġHigh voltage (35kV, 220kV)
CoreSingle core, multi core

VERI Service Packing And Shipment

VERI Cable is founded by one of the most professional manufacturers. We specialize in producing and exporting all kinds of wires and cables. We have advanced tech staff, advanced equipment, u 30 years of experience in engineering. Welcome to visit at any time. Since we were founded, we have built favorable business relationships with many customers from all over the world.

For conductors suitable for overhead transmission (AAC AAAC ACSR ACAR ACSR/AW)/ABC/Concentric cables (Aluminum or Copper), ZMS usually uses standard wooden drum packaging, but we can also design different types of packaging according to customer requirements.

  • Cable Product Customization
    Contact us and send us your requirements. We can help you choose the right cable. You can provide us with the following information: cable voltage, and conductor material, insulation and sheath material, shield type, armor type, eċċ. or you can provide us with cable installation environment, application requirements, eċċ. We will serve you wholeheartedly. ZMS Cable Supplier has several quality certifications: ISO9000.1S09001.IS014000.IS014001.IS018000.CE.IEC, BS, NFC, ASTM, DIN, eċċ.
  • Fast Delivery
    ZMS has decades of experience in cable manufacturing and transportation, we have a professional transportation team.
  • All Types of Testing
    We guarantee that our products have been tested by specialized technical equipment to ensure high quality.

VERI Cable specializes in overhead cable, kejbil tal-kontroll, kejbil taħt il-baħar, and cable accessories. Kondutturi HTLS are a new type of overhead cable. And HTLS conductors include ACSS wire, Cable ACCC, Konduttur tat-tip GAP, eċċ. Bħala manifattur tal-kejbil professjonali, aħna nipprovdu kondutturi HTLS ta 'kwalità għolja. And we are a worldwide supplier of prodotti tal-kejbil. Allura l-kejbils HTLS tagħna għaddew mill-IEC, ASTM, and other international certifications.

    Jekk jogħġbok tħossok liberu li tagħti l-inkjesta tiegħek fil-formola hawn taħt.




