L-aktar Spjegazzjoni Sħiħa tat-Tipi ta 'insulazzjoni tal-wajer u l-applikazzjonijiet tagħhom

X'inhu l-insulazzjoni?

L-insulazzjoni tal-kejbil hija parti importanti ta 'kwalunkwe kejbil. Huwa magħmul minn materjal mhux konduttiv li jkopri l-wajer. It is also known as electrical insulation.
The purpose of insulation is to separate the current from the rest of the cable, keeping it inside the wire and preventing it from entering the surrounding environment.
Fl-istess waqt, the insulation protects the wire from the harsh conditions in the installation environment and ensures its proper operation.
Insulation can be made of different materials, depending on the wire’s target application.
But overall, plastic, rubber, and fluoropolymers are the most common types of wire insulation.

Aqra iktarL-aktar Spjegazzjoni Sħiħa tat-Tipi ta 'insulazzjoni tal-wajer u l-applikazzjonijiet tagħhom