X'inhu ACCC Kondutturi?

Cable ACCC

Partikolarment, ACCC conductors have been used to increase the efficiency of the re-conductor portion of the transmission grid by 30% or more. ACCC cables use lightweight, small-size carbon fiber composite cores. It increases the load-bearing capacity of the overall material and reduces the core volume of the new ACCC cable. ACCC cables can provideAqra iktar

Differenza Bejn Kejbils tat-Tisħin Elettriku u tat-Tisħin

self regulating cable

When winter comes, insulation and heating are often heard. Fis-snin riċenti, the use of electric heating cables and heating cable products has given users more choices. But many users are not very clear about the difference between electric heating cables and heating cables. Different Types The self-limiting electric heating cable can automatically limit theAqra iktar

X'inhuma l-Karatteristiċi tal-Kejbils iżolati Minerali?

micc cable

Bl-iżvilupp tax-xjenza u t-teknoloġija, il-kwalità ta 'diversi proġetti ta' kostruzzjoni qed titjieb gradwalment. Min-naħa waħda, hija l-applikazzjoni ta 'teknoloġija avvanzata ta' inġinerija, u min-naħa l-oħra, tibbenefika mill-użu dejjem jikber ta 'materjali ta' inġinerija ta 'teknoloġija għolja fl-inġinerija. The application of MICC cable has provided great help forAqra iktar

X'inhuma Kejbils Sottomarini?

kejbil taħt il-baħar

Introduction of Submarine Cable Submarine cable are wires wrapped with insulating materials, li huma mqiegħda fuq qiegħ il-baħar u taħt l-ilma għat-trasmissjoni tat-telekomunikazzjoni. Submarine cables are divided into submarine communication cables and submarine power cables. Kejbils sottomarini moderni jużaw fibri ottiċi bħala l-materjal biex jittrasmettu sinjali tat-telefon u tal-Internet. F'din l-era ta 'informazzjoni, … Aqra iktar

Kejbils DC u Kejbils AC: Dak Li Jagħmilhom Differenti?

DC and AC cable

Armored cables use steel tape or aluminum tape to strengthen the mechanical properties of the cable so that the cable can withstand external mechanical pressure. The shielded cable is shielded with copper tape or braided copper wire to isolate electromagnetic field interference. Metal-clad cable and armor cables are among the most confusing cables on theAqra iktar

Karatteristiċi tal-Cable tal-Gomma

rubber cable

Different types of wires and cables have different sheath thicknesses, like rubber cables. They are mainly used in wear-resistant and cold-resistant places. And the insulating sheath is thicker. Ġeneralment, the higher the voltage level, the thicker the sheath. And the thickness of cables used for low-voltage electrical equipment generally does not mainly consider electrical properties, … Aqra iktar

X'inhuma Kejbils Coaxial?


Is-suq modern tal-kejbils tal-komunikazzjoni u tan-netwerking huwa saturat iżżejjed bil-kwotazzjonijiet, għalhekk jista 'jkun diffiċli li tagħżel il-kejbil li huwa l-aħjar għall-applikazzjoni speċifika tiegħek. F'dan l-artikolu, aħna nqabblu l-aktar tipi popolari ta 'kejbils tan-netwerk, pari koassjali u mibrumin, biex jgħinek tagħmel għażla infurmata. We’ve focused on the differencesAqra iktar

X'inhu l-Cable ACSR?


The steel core aluminum stranded cable is a steel core aluminum stranded cable, which has the characteristics of simple structure, convenient erection and maintenance, prezz baxx, large transmission capacity, easy to cross rivers and valleys and other special geographical conditions, as well as good electrical conductivity, sufficient The mechanical strength and tensile strength are high, … Aqra iktar

Application and Feature of Overhead Cable


Overhead wire and cable, originally refers to the bare wire erected in the air and insulated by air, mainly used as the trunk line of transmission lines or for special purposes. In the past ten years, in order to improve the safety of power transmission, the urban network transformation has changed the overhead bare wiresAqra iktar