What is coaxial cable and how to identify it?

The diagram shows the most common types of coaxial cables.

Coaxial cable is known to be a broadband transmission line with low loss and high isolation. Coaxial cable consists of two concentric cylindrical conductors separated by a dielectric spacer. The capacitance and inductance distributed along the coaxial cable create a distributed impedance, or characteristic impedance, throughout the structure. The resistive losses distributed along the coaxialAqra iktar

What is coaxial cable and how to identify it?

Coaxial cables are composed of copper conductors with insulation material isolation.

A coaxial cable is a wire and signal transmission line, generally caused by four layers of material. The innermost is a conductive copper wire, and the outside of the line has a layer of plastic surrounding it, it is an insulator and dielectric use. Insulator outside and a thin layer of mesh conductive body, generallyAqra iktar

X'inhuma Kejbils Coaxial?


Is-suq modern tal-kejbils tal-komunikazzjoni u tan-netwerking huwa saturat iżżejjed bil-kwotazzjonijiet, għalhekk jista 'jkun diffiċli li tagħżel il-kejbil li huwa l-aħjar għall-applikazzjoni speċifika tiegħek. F'dan l-artikolu, aħna nqabblu l-aktar tipi popolari ta 'kejbils tan-netwerk, pari koassjali u mibrumin, biex jgħinek tagħmel għażla infurmata. We’ve focused on the differencesAqra iktar

Il-Cable ta 'l-Art Coaxial tal-Klassifikazzjoni tal-Vultaġġ

The voltage level of the coaxial grounding cable should be determined according to the induced potential of the cable line. Skont l-esperjenza tad-disinn tal-passat, il-livell tal-vultaġġ tal-kejbil tal-ert koassjali huwa ġeneralment 10kV; the cross-section of the coaxial grounding cable should be strictly selected according to the grounding current of theAqra iktar