Armored Control Cable

Galvanized SWA Control Cable has the characteristics of moisture resistance, corrosion resistance, and damage resistance, and its excellent ability enables him to work normally in harsh conditions.
It can be laid in tunnels or cable trenches.
The steel wire armor layer of galvanized steel wire armored cable has high magnetic permeability and a good magnetic shielding effect.
It can be used to resist low-frequency interference and improve the anti-interference performance of the cable.
So this armored cable is suitable for industrial process automation applications, including instrument Cable, or signal transmission, measurement, башкаруу, and regulation.
Armored Control Cable Types
Galvanized Steel Braided Armored Control Cable
This product is manufactured according to the GB9330-88 standard. The low smoke low halogen flame retardant or low smoke zero halogen flame retardant control cable is manufactured according to the enterprise standard. The flame retardant property meets the requirements of GB / T17651 and GB / T17650. Flame-retardant control cables manufactured by corporate standards, flame retardant properties in line with GB / T18380.3 requirements.
This product is suitable for metallurgy, күч, petrochemical, and other industrial and mining enterprises in the exchange rated voltage 450 / 750V and below electrical instrumentation, power distribution equipment, signal transmission, башкаруу, and measurement systems.
ype | Name | Applying bound |
KVV | Copper conductor PVC insulated and sheathed control cable | For laying indoors, in trenches, and in ducts for the fixed installation |
KVVP | Copper conductor PVC insulated & sheathed copper wire braiding screened control cable |
KVVP2 | Copper conductor PVC insulated and sheathed control cable with steel tape shied | For laying indoors, in trenches, and in ducts for the fixed installation |
KVV22 | Copper conductor PVC insulated and sheathed control cable with steel tape armored | For laying indoors, in trenches, in ducts, and in-ground, able to withstand heavier mechanical force, and for fixed installation |
KVVR | Copper conductor PVC insulated flexible control cable | For lying indoors, movable and flexible |
ZR-KVVP | Copper conductor PVC insulated & sheathed copper wire braiding screened flexible control cable | Fixed laying indoors with the capability of moving and screening |
ZR-KVV | Copper conductor PVC insulated and sheathed flame retardant control cable | For laying indoors, in trenches, in ducts, and for fixed installation. The cable should be flame retardant |
ZR-KVVP2 | Copper conductor PVC insulated and sheathed flame retardant control cable with steel tape shield | For laying indoors, in trenches, in ducts, and for fixed installation. The cable should be flame retardants |
ZR-KVV22 | Copper conductor PVC insulated and sheathed flame retardant control cable with steel tape armored | For laying indoors, in trenches, in ducts, and for fixed installation, the cable should be flame retardant and able to bear heavier external mechanical force and for fixed installation |
ZR-KVVR | Copper conductor PVC insulated and sheathed flame retardant flexible control cable | For laying indoors, the cable should be flame-retardant flexible, and movable |
The max, long-term permitted operating temperature:70°C is for PVC insulated cable;80°C is for XLPE insulated cables. The laying temperature of cables should be not less than 0°C.
The allowable bending radius for cables: it should be not less than 6 times of outer diameter for non, armored or screened flexible cables, and it should be not less than 12 times of outer diameter for armored or copper tape screened cables.
Standard 600v Control Armored MC Power Cable
The product is suitable for connection in control, signal, protection circuit, and measuring system with rated power-frequency voltage 450/750V or 0.6/1KV.
1. The maximum permissible continuous operating temperature is 70℃
2. The lowest installation temperature of the cable is 0℃.
3. Permissible Min. Ийилген радиус: not less than 6 times the completed cable diameter for unarmored cable; not less than 12 times the completed cable diameter for armored or copper tape screened cable; not less than 6 times the completed cable diameter for screened flexible cable.
oil resistance、water resistance、abrasion resistance、acid and alkali resistance、various corrosive mass、aging resistance、non-combustion
The technical data of the standard teck90 600v control cable armored power cable MC cable is below for reference, any customized is available.
Type | Description | Main Application |
KYJV | Copper conductor XLPE insulated and PVC sheathed control cable | Laying indoors,in trenches, in ducts and directly in ground |
KYJVR | Copper conductor XLPE insulated and PVC sheathed | |
flexible control cable | ||
KYJVP | Copper conductor XLPE insulated and PVC sheathed control cable | Laying indoors,in trenches, in ducts directly in ground and other places that interference-resistance is requested. |
with copper tape lapping screen | ||
KYJVP2 | Copper conductor XLPE insulated and PVC sheathed flexible control | |
cable with braiding screen | ||
KYJVRP | Copper conductor XLPE insulated and PVC sheathed control cable | |
with copper tape longitudinal screen | ||
KYJVRP2 | Copper conductor XLPE insulated and PVC sheathed flexible control | |
cable with copper tape lapping screen |
KYJV22 | Copper conductor XLPE insulated and PVC sheathed control cable with steel tape armour | For flxed installation,laying indoors, in trenches and ducts,түздөн-түз in ground where heavier mechanical force withstood |
KYJV32 | Copper conductor XLPE insulated and PVC sheathed control cable | For laying indoor, in tunnels, ducts, conduit and direct burial etc. Permanent place, able to bear greater mechanical force |
with steel wire armour | ||
KYJVP2-22 | Copper conductor XLPE insulated and PVC sheathed steel tape armored control cable with copper tape lapping screen | For fixed installation,laying indoors,in trenches and ducts,directly in ground where heavier mechanical force and interference resistance withstood. |
Сатуу кызматынан кийинки VERI кабели жөнүндө

Алгачкы, Продукциянын сапатынын милдеттенмеси:
- Баардыгын өндүрүү жана сыноо үчүн сапаттуу жазуулар жана тестирлөө маалыматтары бар кабелдик буюмдар.
- Продукциянын ишин текшерүү үчүн, Биз колдонуучуларга адамдын бүт процессти жана натыйжалуулугун текшерип көрүүгө чакырабыз. Кийин продукт квалификациялуу болушу керек, Ал таңгакталып, жеткирилет.
Экинчи, Продукциянын баасын милдеттенме:
- Продукциянын жогорку ишенимдүүлүгүн камсыз кылуу үчүн, Тутумду материалдык тандоо ички же жогорку сапаттагы продукциялардан жасалат.
- Ошол эле атаандаштык шарттарында, Биздин компания Продукциянын техникалык көрсөткүчтөрүн азайтып, өнүмдүн техникалык көрсөткүчтөрүн азайтып, өнүмдүн компоненттерин өзгөртүү мүмкүн эмес баада көрсөтүлбөйт.
- Жеткирүү мөөнөттүү милдеттенмеси:
Үчүнчү, Продукцияны жеткирүү убактысы:
Колдонуучунун талаптарына ылайык мүмкүн болушунча мүмкүн, Алдын ала толтурулушу керек болгон атайын талаптар бар болсо, Биздин компания өндүрүштү жана орнотууну атайын уюштура алат, колдонуучунун муктаждыктарын канааттандырууга аракет кылыңыз.
Төртүнчү, Сатуудан кийин тейлөө милдеттенмеси:
- Тейлөө тенети: тез, чечүүчү, так, ойлуу жана кылдат.
- Кызматтын максаттары: Кардарлардын канааттануусун жеңүү үчүн тейлөө сапаты.
- Тейлөө натыйжалуулугу: Эгерде шаймандар кепилдик мезгилинде же кепилдик мезгилинин чегинен тышкары болсо, Жеткирүүчү эскертилгенден кийин, Техникалык тейлөө кызматкерлери сайтка жетип, ичинде тейлөө башташат 24 саат.
- Кызматтын принциби: Кепилдеги кабелдик азыктар - он эки ай. Кепилдик мезгилинде, Жеткирүүчү акысыз бөлүктөрдү бекер себептерден улам бузуучу бөлүктөрдү оңдоп, алмаштырат. Эгерде бөлүктөрү кепилдик мөөнөтүнөн тышкары жерлерде бузулса, Берилген аксессуарлар сатып алуучунун адамдык факторлору келтирилген жабдыктардын наркынын наркын гана төлөшөт, жана аксессуарлар оңдолгон же жеткирүүчү тарабынан берилген.