Għaliex il-Linji tal-Cable tal-Fiber Optic Jfallu?

kejbil tal-fibra

Optical cable is a certain number of optical fibers form a cable core according to a certain method. Optical fiber cable is covered with a sheath, and some are also covered with an outer sheath to realize optical signal transmission.

Il-proġett tal-wajers integrat huwa proġett relattivament kumpless, so it is impossible to ensure zero errors and zero faults in the construction of the project. Madankollu, it is relatively easy to minimize the faults and mistakes of the integrated wiring project. There are four major reasons for the failure of communication fibra ottika cable lines.

Lightning Strike
Il-komponenti armati tal-kejbil ottiku huma kollha kondutturi tal-metall. If the power line is short-circuited or the lightning strikes the metal parts, a strong current will be generated to destroy the optical cable line equipment, and even serious casualties may occur.

Poor Insulation of Optical Cables
L-istruttura bażika tal-kejbil ottiku hija ġeneralment magħmula minn qalba tal-kejbil, wajer ta 'l-azzar li jsaħħaħ, mili u għant, eċċ. Besides, hemm saff li ma jgħaddix ilma minnu, saff buffer, insulated metal wire and other components as needed.

If the communication optical cable line is not insulated well, the operating strength will be greatly reduced. Due to stress corrosion and static fatigue after the splice box enters the water or is wet, u l-kejbil ottiku jinkiser f'każijiet severi.

Ħsara fil-Konnettur tal-Linja
Il-ħsarat huma l-aktar probabbli li jseħħu fil-ġonot tal-linja. Because the optical fibers no longer have the protection power to the original optical cable structure at the joints. Allura l-operazzjoni ta 'kuljum u x-xogħol ta' protezzjoni jistgħu jitwettqu biss billi sserraħ fuq il-kaxxa konġunta. Il-probabbiltà ta 'falliment tiżdied ħafna.

External Influence
Line faults are often caused from external forces. Since many communication optical cable lines are laid in the field, so the optical cable line could avoid effectively because of the damage of many external factors.

Here at Veri Kejbil, you can get more information about cable products. Hope this was useful.