Armored Electric Cable

armored electric cable supplier

Armored Electric Cable does not have a specific model number, it refers to a large category in the classification of cables, Kabel Veri can be customized according to the customer to provide a variety of parameters and specifications for the appropriate armored cable products. VERI armored power cables are suitable for transmitting and distributing power in transmission and distribution systems from 0.6kv~35kv or lower voltages. It also prevents rodents from chewing through the armor which can cause power transmission problems. In addition to the above purposes, the addition of an armor layer to the cable enhances the mechanical protection properties such as tensile and compressive strength, Dan extends the service life.

Kirim Sekarang

Armored Cable Types and Sizes

Flexible Copper Oil Resistant PVC Armored Control Cable
Kirim Sekarang

Flexible Copper Oil Resistant PVC Armored Control Cable

Itu Armored Control Cable can be produced according to the standard GB9330-1988, IEC, DARI, dan BS, and the factory can also manufacture the cables by other standards.

Tegangan terukur: 450/750V
Konduktor: Copper wire /tinned-copper wire, Class1, Class2, Class5
Isolasi: PVC /PE /XLPE
Cabling: multicore stranded
Tameng(if required): Copper tape or CWS or Al-plastic tape with drain wire
Selubung batin (applicable if there is an armor layer): PVC/PE
Armour layer: Galvanized steel wire / Steel tape
Selubung luar: PVC/PE/LSHF
Other characteristics: Oil resistant, Tahan api, Anti-corrosion, UV, dll..

Product Parameter Specification

Section Area(mm2)
TIDAK. of Core
Application Site
Konduktor Tembaga,PVC Insulated and Sheathed Control Cable
0.75 1.0 1.5 2.5
Permanent installation indoors,in cable ditches or pipes
4 6
Konduktor Tembaga,PVC Insulated and Sheathed,Braiding Shielded Control Cable
0.75 1.0 1.5 2.5
Permanent installation indoors,in cable ditches or pipes where shielding is required
4 6
Konduktor Tembaga,PVC Insulated and Sheathed,Copper-tape Screened Control Cable
0.75 1.0 1.5 2.5
Permanent installation indoors,in cable ditches or pipes where shielding is required
4 6
Konduktor Tembaga, PVC Insulated and Sheathed, Steel tape Armored Control Cable
0.75 1.0 1.5 2.5
Permanent installation indoors,in cable ditches,Be able to withstand stronger external mechanical force


Armored Control Cable is suitable for the connection of control equipment and monitor instruments and is also used as power and connecting cables in mechanical engineering for tooling machinery, control units, production lines, transportation equipment, conveyor and assembly lines as well as in plant construction under the circumstance that the rated voltage is up to 450/750V AC.

Stainless Steel Tube Flexible Armored Fiber Optic Cable
Kirim Sekarang

STA Tube Flexible Armored Fiber Optic Cable

Steel armored cable fiber optic can be divided into indoor armored fiber optic cables and outdoor armored fiber optic cables according to the application of fiber optic cables. Selain itu, armored fiber optic cable can also be divided into interlocking armored fiber optic cable and corrugated armored fiber optic cable according to the different types of metal armor. Indoor armored fiber optic cable: indoor armored fiber optic cable includes single-layer armored and double-layer armored fiber optic cable.

Fiber Type: G.652D, G.657A1 or G.657A2 single mode fiber and OM1, OM2, OM3, OM4 mutimode fiber.

Fitur: 1. Mini diameter SUS spring tube reinforced ensures good crush resistance. 2. Kevlar strengthened provides good tensile strength. 3. LSZH Outer jacket complies with UL, RoHS.


1. Applied to the patch cord of the optical terminal.

2. Indoor outdoor for FTTH and optical distribution, connection between optical cable and communication equipment room.

MC Armored 12/2 Flexible Metal Clad Cable
Kirim Sekarang

MC Armored 12/2 Flexible Metal Clad Cable

VERI Type MC Armored Cable can be used for feeder and branch circuit lines as specified in NEC. The insulation wire core of type MC cable is XHHW-2, it can be used in dry and wet locations with the highest working temperature not exceeding 90. The rated voltage of type MC cable is 600V. The cable consists of three or four XLPE insulated phase cores plus one bare ground conductor. Interlocked aluminum armor tape is applied over all the cables. A PVC jacket is optional. MC cable with PVC jacket provides extra durability. long-term reliability and installation security.

Konduktor: AA-8030 aluminum alloy conductors
Isolasi: Cross-linked polyethylene(XLPE) isolasi
Armor: Interlock aluminum tape armor
Kisaran Suhu: Temperature of 90 C in wet and dry locations
Lingkungan: Free of harmful heavy metals in compliance with RoHS
Peringkat Tegangan:600Volt

Cable Data Sheet:

Conductor Size( AWG,Kcmil)

Nominal insulation Thickness

Diameter Keseluruhan Nominal

















Standar: ASTM-B,B-801 and B-836, UL standard 44 for XHHW-2, UL Standard 1569, RoHS environmental conductive requirement


The AA-8000 aluminum alloy conductor is applied in Type MC cable.
Its insulated core complies with the requirement of Type XHHW-2 in UL44.
Insulation material is cross-linked polyethylene(XLPE) with characteristics property, which can meet the FT2 level combustion test requirement.
MC cable, USA, UL & NEC standard, kabel lapis baja, metal-clad cable, AC cable, BX cable, TECK cable, interlocked armored cable.

Distinguished by Armor Layer Structure

Steel Tape Armored Cable supply

STA Steel Tape Armored Cable

Konduktor: Soft Bare / Tinned Copper
Ukuran: 1.25mm² ~325mm²
Nomor Inti: 1 C~60C
Armoured Layer: Kawat Baja
Jacket Metarial: PVC, PE, LSZH, RUBBER
Nilai Tegangan: 600V/1000V
Standar: IEC, BS, DIA, OEM, ODM
Aplikasi: Suitable for places that are prone to aging, harsh environments and acidic corrosion such as those containing chemicals.

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Steel wire armored cable supplier

SWA Steel Wire Armored Cable

Konduktor: Soft Bare / Tinned Copper
Ukuran: 1.25mm² ~325mm²
Nomor Inti: 1 C~60C
Armoured Layer: Kawat Baja
Jacket Material: PVC, PE, LSZH, RUBBER
Nilai Tegangan: 600V/1000V
Aplikasi: Suitable for places that are prone to aging, harsh environments and acidic corrosion such as those containing chemicals.

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AWA ATA Aluminum Tape Aluminum Wire Armored Cable

AWA ATA Aluminum Tape Aluminum Wire Armored Cable

Konduktor: Soft Bare/Tinned Copper
Ukuran: 1.25mm² ~325mm²
Core Nubmer: 1 C~60C
Armoured Layer: Aluminium Wire/Aluminium Tape
Jacket Material: PVC, PE, LSZH, RUBBER
Nilai Tegangan: 600V/1000V
Standar: IEC, BS, DIA, OEM, ODM
Aplikasi: Suitable for places that are prone to aging, harsh environments and acidic corrosion such as those containing chemicals.

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Advantages of Armored Electrical Cables

Compared with the characteristics of unarmored and mineral insulated cables, armored cables have the following advantages:


Armored Cables

Tidak bersenjata Cables

MICC Cables

Mechanical damage resistance



Extremely high

Corrosion resistance








Skenario yang berlakuS

Underground, industrial sites

Indoor equipment connection

High-temperature, high-pressure places

Catatan: You need to choose the right cable for your needs, not blindly choose for the best.


How long does armored electrical cable last?

VERI cable production of various types of armored cable life can be up to 20 bertahun-tahun -40 bertahun-tahun, under the premise of ensuring the quality of production, armored cable life is mainly affected by the use of the environment and operating conditions. Misalnya, when laid outdoors, long-term exposure to extreme weather may shorten the life. Or long-term overload or over-temperature operation may lead to cable insulation aging, reducing cable life.

Berapa kuantitas pesanan minimum?

Khas, Jumlah pesanan minimum untuk semua kabel yang didukung oleh kabel veri 500 meter, karena fakta bahwa berat beberapa kabel, bahkan dalam jumlah kecil, bisa sangat tinggi dan dapat menyebabkan gangguan dalam biaya transportasi. Oleh karena itu kami menyarankan agar Anda memilih untuk membeli secara lokal untuk pesanan kabel kurang dari 500 meter. Anda masih dapat mengirimkan pertanyaan kabel tegangan tinggi kepada kami.

Bagaimana cara saya berkomunikasi dengan Anda?

On VERI Cable's website, Anda dapat menghubungi kami melalui kotak pertanyaan, e-mail (, Ada apa (+86 17303836349). Kami juga mendukung konferensi video dengan pelanggan kami dan menyambut mereka untuk mengunjungi kami.

Tentang Layanan Purna Jual Kabel VERI

Pengiriman Pesanan Kabel ZMS
Transportasi kabel di kapal

Pertama, Komitmen Kualitas Produk:

  1. Ada catatan kualitas dan data pengujian untuk pembuatan dan pengujian semuanya produk kabel.
  2. Untuk pemeriksaan kinerja produk, kami dengan tulus mengundang pengguna untuk memeriksa seluruh proses dan kinerja produk secara langsung. Setelah produk dipastikan memenuhi syarat, itu akan dikemas dan dikirim.

Kedua, komitmen harga produk:

  1. Untuk memastikan keandalan produk yang tinggi, pemilihan material sistem terbuat dari produk dalam negeri atau berkualitas tinggi.
  2. Dalam kondisi persaingan yang sama, perusahaan kami akan dengan tulus memberikan Anda harga yang terjangkau tanpa mengurangi kinerja teknis produk atau mengubah komponen produk.
  3. Komitmen waktu pengiriman:

Ketiga, Waktu pengiriman produk:

Sedapat mungkin sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna, jika ada persyaratan khusus yang perlu dilengkapi terlebih dahulu, perusahaan kami secara khusus dapat mengatur produksi dan instalasi, dan berusaha untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna.

Keempat, komitmen layanan purna jual:

  1. Prinsip layanan: cepat, penentu, tepat, bijaksana dan teliti.
  2. Tujuan layanan: kualitas layanan untuk memenangkan kepuasan pelanggan.
  3. Efisiensi layanan: Jika peralatan gagal dalam masa garansi atau di luar masa garansi, setelah pemasok diberitahu, personel pemeliharaan dapat mencapai lokasi dan memulai pemeliharaan di dalamnya 24 jam.
  4. Prinsip pelayanan: Masa garansi produk kabel adalah dua belas bulan. Selama masa garansi, pemasok akan memperbaiki dan mengganti suku cadang yang rusak karena alasan kualitas secara gratis. Jika suku cadang rusak di luar masa garansi, aksesoris yang disediakan hanya akan membebankan biaya kerusakan peralatan yang disebabkan oleh faktor manusia pembeli, dan aksesori yang diperbaiki atau disediakan oleh pemasok dihitung berdasarkan biaya perolehan.

    Silakan berikan pertanyaan Anda pada formulir di bawah ini.





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