Different Voltage Levels

electric cable power voltage

VERI Cables supplies a wide range of cables with different voltages. Such as low voltage cables, medium voltage cables and high voltage cables. The raw materials include copper or aluminum conductors. Low voltage cables are popular for outdoor or building renovation, but also for instrumentation, raceway and direct burial applications. Sheathing materials are XLPE and PVC, and we have supplied ABC cables, armored cables, airport lighting cables, submarine cables, OPGW cables, and more to projects around the world.

VERI Low-Voltage Cables comprise the core, the insulation, and the protective layer. The core is used to conduct current, generally stranded by multi-stranded copper wire or multi-stranded aluminum wire. Low-voltage cables are single-core, double-core, three-core, four-core, and so on. Dual-core cable for single-phase lines, three-core and four-core cable for three-phase three-wire lines, and three-phase four-wire lines, and single-core cables can be applied to single-phase lines or three-phase lines as needed. Commonly used low-voltage cable core cross-sectional area of 10, 16, 25, 35, 50, 70, 95, 120, 150, 185, 240 mm, itd.

STANDARDI: IEC 60502, IEC 60332, IEC 61034, IEC 60754, IEC 60986, IEC 60287

APPLICATIONS: Low-voltage cables are a key component of a building’s power supply system and are used for power lines in residential and commercial buildings and public buildings. Includes industrial and manufacturing, marine and offshore engineering.

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Medium Voltage Cables are power cables with a rated voltage between 6kV and 35kV and are usually used to carry medium voltage power. Medium voltage cables usually consist of one or more copper or aluminum conductors, insulation, sheaths, and other accessories. The conductors of MV cables are usually made of copper or aluminum because these materials have good electrical conductivity and mechanical strength. Insulation is usually made of polyethylene, cross-linked polyethylene, rubber, and other materials to ensure the insulating properties of the cable. The sheath, on the other hand, protects the cable from mechanical damage and environmental influences.

Supply Types:
1. High Quality Medium Voltage Solid Conductor Power Cable
2. Medium Voltage 33kv AAC/AAAC/ACSR Conductor ABC Cable Service Drop Wire

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The components of a high voltage cable from the inside out include conductor, insulation, inner sheath, filler (armor), and outer insulation. Of course, armored high-voltage cables are mainly used for underground burial, which can resist high-intensity compression on the ground, and at the same time can prevent other external damage. The product is suitable for AC rated voltage 35KV and the following for transmission and distribution of power can be fixed granary line, the maximum long-term working temperature of the cable conductor is 90 stupnjeva, short-circuit (the longest time does not exceed 5S), the maximum temperature of the cable conductor does not exceed 250 stupnjeva.

Supply Types:
1. High Voltage Cable PVC XLPE Cable 100mm 150 mm 15kv
2. Electric Vehicle Wire XLPE Insulated Shielded Tinned Copper Charging EV Cable
3. 18AWG Electrical Black Insulated Copper High Voltage Heating Electric Cable

Standards: IEC 60840, IEC 62067, Bs 6622, Bs 7835, VDE 0276-620 and etc.

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O postprodajnoj usluzi VERI Cable

ZMS kabel Narudžba pošiljke
Brodski prijevoz kabela

Prvi, Predanost kvaliteti proizvoda:

  1. Postoje zapisi o kvaliteti i podaci o ispitivanju za proizvodnju i ispitivanje svih kabelski proizvodi.
  2. Za provjeru performansi proizvoda, iskreno pozivamo korisnike da osobno pregledaju cijeli proces i performanse proizvoda. Nakon što se potvrdi da je proizvod kvalificiran, bit će zapakirano i poslano.

Drugi, obvezu cijene proizvoda:

  1. Kako bi se osigurala visoka pouzdanost proizvoda, odabir materijala sustava je od domaćih ili visokokvalitetnih proizvoda.
  2. Pod istim konkurentskim uvjetima, naše poduzeće će vam iskreno pružiti po pristupačnoj cijeni bez smanjenja tehničke izvedbe proizvoda ili mijenjanja komponenti proizvoda.
  3. Obveza vremena isporuke:

Treći, Vrijeme isporuke proizvoda:

Koliko je to moguće prema zahtjevima korisnika, ako postoje posebni zahtjevi koje je potrebno ispuniti unaprijed, naša tvrtka može posebno organizirati proizvodnju i montažu, i nastojati zadovoljiti potrebe korisnika.

Četvrti, obveza usluge nakon prodaje:

  1. Načelo usluge: brzo, odlučujući, točan, promišljeno i temeljito.
  2. Ciljevi usluge: kvalitetu usluge za postizanje zadovoljstva kupaca.
  3. Učinkovitost usluge: Ako oprema pokvari unutar jamstvenog roka ili izvan jamstvenog roka, nakon što je dobavljač obaviješten, osoblje za održavanje može doći do mjesta i započeti održavanje unutar 24 sati.
  4. Princip usluge: Jamstveni rok kabelskih proizvoda je dvanaest mjeseci. Tijekom jamstvenog roka, dobavljač će besplatno popraviti i zamijeniti dijelove oštećene zbog kvalitete. Ako su dijelovi oštećeni izvan jamstvenog roka, isporučeni pribor će naplatiti samo trošak troška oštećenja opreme uzrokovanog ljudskim čimbenicima kupca, a pribor koji je popravio ili isporučio dobavljač obračunava se po trošku.

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