Electric Control Cable

Control cable

VERI кабели has many types of control cables. There are low voltage PVC/XLPE insulation Control Cable, Instrument Cable, Galvanized Steel Wire Armored Control Cables, Flexible Cables, Control Cables with Screen/Shield, 0.6/1kV Paired or Triplex Instrument Cables, 0.6/1kV Paired or Triplex Armored Instrument Cable, жана башкалар. As a professional control cable supplier support customizing the different types of control cables to meet all customer needs.

Here at VERI Cable, you can get what you want.

Азыр сура

Main Types by Structure

verious types of Copper Tape Screened Control Cable

Copper Tape Screened Control Cable

Дирижер: Solid or Stranded Copper
Жылуулоо: PVC/PVC(XLPE)
Экран: Copper tape Screen
Кабык: PVC
Rated voltages: 450/750В
Max. Continuous working temp of conductor:70
Upon short circuit (Max. Duration time 5s) the Max.
The temperature of the conductor not higher than160°C;
The ambient temperature of installation not less than 0°C.
Standard: IEC 60227, IEC60228, AS/NZS 5000.2, GB9330

Азыр сура

Copper Braid Screen Control Cable

Rated voltage 300/500V. Flexible cable
Дирижер: Stranded Copper or Stranded Tinned Copper class5
Жылуулоо: PVC
Sheathing: PVC
Экран: plain copper wire or tinned copper wire braid
Temperature rating: from 0ºC to +70ºC.
Standard: IEC 60227, IEC60228, AS/NZS 5000.2, GB9330

Азыр сура
armored control cable types

LV Armored Control Cable

Rated Temperature: 90oC
Rated Voltage: 600/1000В
Reference Standard: GB/T12706, IEC60502
Модель: YJV22
Shaped stranded copper conductors
Insulated with cross-link polyethylene compound
PVC bedded
Galvanized steel tape armored
Flame retardant PVC sheathed overall

Азыр сура
flexible electric control cable

Flexible Electric Control Cable

450/750V PVC insulation single/Multi cores electric wire
This series include the below type:
Copper conductor PVC insulated wires
Copper conductor PVC insulated flexible wires
Copper conductor PVC insulated PVC sheathed flat wires
Copper conductor PVC insulated flat flexible wires
Sizes: 0.5-185mm2

СТАНДАРТТАР: IEC60227, IEC60502, IEC60332-3, BS6500

Азыр сура

instrument control cable

Instrument Armored Control Cable

Дирижер: Annealed or tinned copper
Pairing: Two or three insulated conductors uniformly twisted together with a lay not exceeding 100 мм
Binder Tape: PETP transparent tape
IEC 60502, BS 5308, GB 9330

Азыр сура

Control Cable Types Name Application

Main Application
Steel core PVC insulated PVC sheathed control cable
Laying in indoor, cable trench, pipeline and other fixed occasions that require shielding.
Steel core PVC insulated PVC sheathed braided shielded control cable
Laying in indoor, cable trench, pipeline and other fixed occasions that require shielding.
Steel core PVC insulated PVC sheathed copper tape shielded control cable
Laying in indoor, cable trench, pipeline and other fixed occasions that require shielding.
Steel core PVC insulated PVC sheathed copper tape armored control cable
Laying in indoor, cable trench, pipeline, direct burial and other fixed occasions to withstand large mechanical external force.
Steel core PVC insulated PVC sheathed control flexible cable
Laying in the indoor movement requirements of soft and other occasions.
Steel core PVC insulated PVC sheathed braided shielded control flexible cable
Laying in the indoor mobile requires soft shielding and other occasions.
Steel core PVC insulated PVC sheathed flame retardant control cable
Laying in indoor, cable trench, pipeline and other fixed occasions with flame retardant requirements.
Steel core PVC insulated PVC sheathed copper tape shielded flame retardant control cable
Laying in indoor, cable trench, pipeline and other fixed occasions with flame retardant requirements.
Steel core PVC insulated PVC sheathed copper tape armored flame retardant control cable
Laying in the fire-retardant requirements of the indoor, cable trench, pipeline, direct burial and other fixed occasions that can withstand a large external force of receiving and discharging.
Steel core PVC insulated PVC sheathed flame retardant control flexible cable
Laying in indoor movable soft occasions with flame retardant requirements.

Control Cable Application Advantages

The control cables we produce are first of all made of the highest quality raw materials in the selection of materials, such as conductors (copper or aluminum) and insulation (XLPE, PVC, PE), жана башкалар. Албетте, regarding the grade and purity of the raw material material you can contact us for customization.

control cable conductor material

Under the meticulous processing methods of VERI Cables, all types of control cables are manufactured with better resistance to moisture, corrosion, compression and damage. We assure you of their longevity and after-sales maintenance.

Moisture and corrosion resistance

If you have customized needs for control cables, including high temperature resistance, fire retardant properties, жана башкалар, please be sure to contact us to discuss.

Veri Cable can offer the proper solution for uncountable applications. Our кабелдик буюмдар are widely used in the ranges of the national grid, шаардык/темир жол транспорту, подстанциялар, күн электр станциялары, жана башкалар. Эл аралык рынокто күчтүү катышуусу менен, we export суу астындагы кабель, coaxial cable, special cable, fiber optical, and overhead cable to many countries every year.

Биздин кесипкөй кызматтар

Сапат сертификаты
The products manufactured by VERI Cables comply with international standards such as GB, IEC, BS, NFC, ASTM, FROM, жана башкалар. Мындан тышкары, биздин техникалык команда сиздин муктаждыктарыңыз үчүн кабелдик ыңгайлаштыруу кызматтарын көрсөтө алат.

Кардарларды көзөмөлдөө
VERI акысыз профессионалдуу кабелдик консалтинг кызматтарын көрсөтөт, бирдиктүү долбоорду чечүү кызматтары, жана продуктуну тез жеткирүү чечимдери.

Профессионалдык транспорт
VERI кабелдери’ баштапкы максаты кардарларды азайтуу үчүн мыкты таңгактоо жана транспорттук чечимдерди камсыз кылуу, ошондой эле продуктуларды тез жана коопсуз жеткирүү болуп саналат’ транспорттук чыгымдар абдан чоң.

Кабелдик таңгактоо
VERI кабелдик таңгак жыгач катушкалар менен берилет, гофрленген кутулар, жана катушкалар. Кабелдин учтарын нымдуулуктан коргоо үчүн учтары BOPP өзү чаптама скотч жана гигроскопиялык эмес мөөр капкактары менен жабылган.. Биз кардардын талабы боюнча суу өткөрбөйт материал менен барабандардын сыртына керектүү логотип басып чыгара алабыз.

    Сураныч, төмөндөгү формага сурооңузду бериңиз.

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