Low Voltage Cables

standard low voltage cable

VERI’s low voltage cables offer advantages over conventional 110/220V AC cables for transmitting low voltage signals. Low-voltage cables are usually made of copper or aluminum, with insulation including PVC, rubber, or fiberglass. VERI төмөн вольттуу кабелдер are suitable for transmission lines and distribution with a voltage of 0.6/1 KV. And we have various voltage cables with different voltage levels: жогорку вольттуу кабель, medium voltage cable.

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Low Voltage Cables Types & Колдонмо

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Low Voltage Cables With Oil And Acid Resistance

VERI produces this type of cable, the oil-resistant characteristics of the cable in the maximum degree of protection against static electricity. Oil and acid-resistant cable is a weak signal measuring cable, suitable for static prone, fuel pools, and other special working environments.

Дирижер: Copper Core
Изоляциялык материал: XLPE Insulation
Rating Voltage: <1кв <0.6кв
Түс: Customized Color
Standard: IEC60502
Number of Cores: 2-6

XLPE PVC low voltage cable data sheet1


100% complete length, no less but more.
99.99% oxygen-free copper, low resistance, high conductivity.
100% environmental material, fire retardant

With anti-static, oil-resistant, anti-tension, anti-bending characteristics. The minimum bending radius of the cable is not less than 5 times the diameter of the cable, the cable can withstand a maximum tensile force of 200kg, and the cable winding and bending several times more than 3000 жолу.

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0.6/1kV Underground XLPE SWA PVC Copper Cable

The power cable is manufactured according to IEC 61089/BS 7870/DIN 48201/ASTM B399/BS EN50183/NFC33-209. It is suitable to be laid in the power cable line with a rated voltage of 0.6/1kv (U0/U) for power transmission.

The low voltage power cable of VERI cable has good electrical and mechanical properties, the best chemical resistance, environmental stress, and flame resistance. Мындан тышкары, its structure is simple, easy to use, and saves project costs. It is suitable for laying indoor, tunnel, canal, and underground laying areas.

Изоляциялык материал: XLPE/PVC/PE/EPR
Number of Cores: 2-6
Rating Voltage: <1кв <0.6кв

0.6/1kV Underground XLPE SWA PVC Copper Cable datasheet

Operation Characteristic:

1. The Maximum Rated Temperature
When the cable is used for a long time, the maximum working temperature of the core does not exceed 900C and the temperature of the conductor shall not exceed, 2500C at a short circuit for 5 seconds.
2. Installation Requirement
The installation of cables is not limited by the difference in elevation along the route. The ambient temperature should not be less than 00C during installation. The permissible bending radius for cable shall be complied with the following regulations:
For single core: 20(D+d) +/_ 5%
For multicore: 15(D+d) +/_ 5%
(Д–actual outer diameter of the cable; г–actual outer diameter of the conductor)
Single core cable used in AC circuits shall be without armor or use non-magnetic metal material armor and shall not be laid in magnetic ducts.

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0.6/1kV ABC — XLPE Outdoor Overhead Conductors

This is a kind of PVC, HEPE, and XLPE insulated aerial cable of copper core, aluminum core, or aluminum alloy core. And they are suitable for overhead power lines of AC-rated voltage 0.6/1KV and below. The production standard for anti-flaming and fire-resistant cables is IEC 61089/BS 7870/DIN 48201/ASTM B399/BS EN50183/ NFC33-209. It is widely used in power transmission lines and electricity distribution lines. Because they have such good characteristics as simple structure and convenient maintenance. And low-cost large transmission capacity. They are also suitable for laying across rivers valleys and geographical places.

Дирижер: Алюминий
Изоляциялык материал: XLPE/PVC/PE
Rating Voltage: <1кв <6кв
Түс: Black
Packaging Details: Wooden Drums
Number of Cores: 3

overhead low voltage cable data sheet2

Main of Cable Features

1. Uo/U is 450/750V,300/500
2. Long-term allowable temperature of the cable: The allowable temperature of 105 Cable should not exceed 105℃, the allowable the temperature of other models should not exceed 70℃.

NOTES: As you must be aware, the models and types of LV electric cables are very numerous, and they differ according to the essential qualities of the cable product and the materials used for its application. So on this page, VERI cables give three types of models, you can also feel free to contact us to inform us about the detailed specifications of the low-voltage cables you need, we do provide customized services.

More Types of Low Voltage Cables

lv single core copper conductor

600v/1000v Single Core Copper Conductor PVC Insulated Sheathed Cable


240mm LV Single Copper Core PVC Insulated Aluminum Armored Cable


LV Single Core Aluminum Conductor PVC Insulated Armoured Sheathed Cables


600/1000V Copper Concentric Conductor PVC Insulation Sheathed Cable


600/1000V Three Cores Copper Conductor PVC Insulated Steel Wire Armored Cable


600V/1000V Four Cores Copper Conductor PVC Insulated Aluminum Tape Cables

low voltage single core copper cable

600/1000V Control Cable Copper Core XLPE Insulated Steel Wire Armored Cable

low voltage -marine-power-flexible-cable

600 / 1000 V Flexible Control Power Cable Copper Conductor PVC Insulated Sheathed Cable

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Selection Tips: Difference Between YJV And YJV22 LV Cable

YJV YJV22 cable difference

The main difference between YJV and YJV22 low voltage cables is the type of Armor Used.

  1. YJV
    Дирижер: Copper core
    Жылуулоо: PVC
    Колдонмо: YJV cable is mainly used for indoor and outdoor mechanical protection is not too important for general low-voltage power transmission.
  2. YJV22
    Дирижер: Copper core
    Жылуулоо: PVC
    Armor: steel belt armor
    Колдонмо: YJV22 is used in environments requiring physical protection, such as underground or areas exposed to mechanical shock.

Main Differences: YJV cables are unarmored, while YJV22 cables are armored with steel belts. Compared to YJV, YJV22 offers a higher level of mechanical protection, making it more suitable for more severe environments. If the cable will be exposed to mechanical stress, YJV22 is the better choice as it has additional steel tape armor, one of the good choices for industrial low voltage cables.

The Perfect LV Cables Collaborative Project

ZMS partners with Mexico on low-voltage cable project
ZMS partners with Mexico on low-voltage cable project

600В 1*2*16 AWG Instrumentation Cable
600В 1*2*22 AWG Instrumentation Cable
600В 2*14 AWG Instrumentation Cable
Total: 5500м

Indonesia cooperates with VERI Cables on low-voltage armored cable project
Low Voltage Armored Cable Project with Indonesia

NYFGBY cable 4x240mm2
0.6/1kV rubber insulated cable NSHTOU-J 4*10mm2
Cat 5 Cable Outdoor (Grey Colour)
Total: 2200м

Кошумча, VERI Cables has cooperated with many countries in the world for low voltage cable projects, including South Korea, Thailand, жана башка. The low voltage cables supplied by us are highly satisfactory to our clients both in terms of specifications and quality service providers of the products and have received wide acclaim. With a full range of qualifications, high qualification rates, and timely delivery, VERI Cables is your best choice of partner.

Биздин кесипкөй кызматтар

Сапат сертификаты
The products manufactured by VERI Cables comply with international standards such as GB, IEC, BS, NFC, ASTM, FROM, жана башкалар. Мындан тышкары, биздин техникалык команда сиздин муктаждыктарыңыз үчүн кабелдик ыңгайлаштыруу кызматтарын көрсөтө алат.

Кардарларды көзөмөлдөө
VERI акысыз профессионалдуу кабелдик консалтинг кызматтарын көрсөтөт, бирдиктүү долбоорду чечүү кызматтары, жана продуктуну тез жеткирүү чечимдери.

Профессионалдык транспорт
VERI кабелдери’ баштапкы максаты кардарларды азайтуу үчүн мыкты таңгактоо жана транспорттук чечимдерди камсыз кылуу, ошондой эле продуктуларды тез жана коопсуз жеткирүү болуп саналат’ транспорттук чыгымдар абдан чоң.

Кабелдик таңгактоо
VERI кабелдик таңгак жыгач катушкалар менен берилет, гофрленген кутулар, жана катушкалар. Кабелдин учтарын нымдуулуктан коргоо үчүн учтары BOPP өзү чаптама скотч жана гигроскопиялык эмес мөөр капкактары менен жабылган.. Биз кардардын талабы боюнча суу өткөрбөйт материал менен барабандардын сыртына керектүү логотип басып чыгара алабыз.

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